chapter four

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I couldn't take my mind off the kiss on my cheek. I'd awoken due to a nocturnal emission. Oh no... I shouldn't have such carnal dreams. What would she think if I told her I had a dream about her? I spent my morning feeling ashamed and disgusted. My parents were conversing, but I was buried in contemplation, eating toast and reading the newspaper.

"Oh hail to Victor!" I leaped out of my seat when my mother hollered. I look up, out of my thoughts, to see my mother lifting her eyebrows at me.|
"Yes mother?"
"You've gone to the market a couple of times. Shall we go down the market?" My mother asked, my eyes glowed with excitement.
"Of course! I need new paints." I admit to her, but I truly want to see Emily again. Mother instructed the household servants to prepare the wagon. Before leaving the house, I gave myself a long, hard look in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable.

I showed my parents everything Emily had shown me. I couldn't help but search for her as I wondered where she might be. Mother and father continued their exploration and socializing. I moved to the garden and oh my, there was Emily painting with her lady! She paints, too? Is this woman capable of any greater miracles?

"Morgen(Morning)."Emily and her friend smiled briefly as I approached them.
"Morgen, Victor. How are you?" Her hands danced so beautifully as she painted the garden. She succeeded in capturing the essence of the scenery.
"Fantastic. Beautiful painting." As I keep staring at Emily's painting, I tell her. Upon hearing my words, she grinned even more.
"Why, thank you Victor. We must convene for paintings together some day." I experienced the same fluttering sensation when she spoke softly. I think it would be fun if we painted something together. As I was watching Emily and her lady paint, something fell on Emily's board and ruined her artwork.
"Oh no!" She panicked as she searched for a solution to cover up the bird's shit. I grabbed her hand without thinking and helped her blend into her painting by holding the paintbrush.
"Spectacular.. You managed to cover it whilst capturing the scenery." Says Emily's woman as she surveys the artwork. Emily gazed at me while I concentrated on my painting. When I was done, I turned to face Emily, who was speechless. I released her hand and moved a step away. My entire body tensed up, fearing that I might have ruined her artwork.
"Forgive me, I-I w-wanted to h-help—"
"You've done a remarkable work on hiding the crap!" Emily examined her painting with her eyes relaxed, checking from every angle to make sure you couldn't see the feces on it. The fact that she didn't yell made my tension ease.
"Victor! Hurry on!" I left the ladies after saying a fond fare and headed back to my parents when I heard my mother calling for me.

Mother can be seen shoving her way into the hansom, so I ran to assist Father in pushing her in. I climbed inside the wagon as soon as we managed to get her inside.

"Ah.. Victor, Father and I came across the Merrimack family. We have tea with them tomorrow." My mother tells me. Tea with the Merrimack, their name sounds familiar... Then it dawn on me, we're having tea with Emily's kinfolks! Will she be there? I wonder how her residence looks like. When we got home, I was inspired by Emily and went to my apartment and started painting. I put the paintbrush down before realizing I was painting Emily since I was so preoccupied with my own work.

She looked lovely

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She looked lovely.. My heart throbs as I reminisce our conversations. My thoughts are filled with Emily than Victoria... I put my face into my hands as I became glum. Why does my heart beats for hers when I'm about to be married? What is wrong with me? If Victoria and I can arrange engagements, I'll be put to right. I cleaned my mess and stored away the painting of Emily. I went to sleep but remained awake the entire night.

When we got there, I took a look at the Merrimacks' house; to my surprise, it was really impressively constructed! I followed my parents as they approached the door and knocked. When the door opened, a familiar face I could recognize anywhere was there.

"Hail, Van Dorts!" Emily greeted us inside with a joyful exclamation. Her eyes widened as she recognized me after catching my gaze.
"Hello Victor." While she closed the door, Emily muttered. She showed us where we'd be having tea. My father and mother exchanged greetings with Emily's parents, and vice versa. While our procreators were having conversations, we all took seats. Emily and I would often steal looks from each other; I hope she doesn't think of me as a crawler or debaucher (pervert).
"Pardon me, I do need the washroom." As she gracefully gets up from the table, Emily says. I watched her leave the room as I felt my face flush with embarrassment; perhaps my staring had made her feel uneasy.


If you would like to see how I imagined Emily's house, type this into your youtube!
~Victorian Mansion 🌳 | The Sims 4 | Speed Build with Ambience Sounds
~By plantsimgirl

Oh! Before I forget, imagine the music room is in the office room instead:)

One and Only (Corpse Bride fanfic; Victor x Emily)Where stories live. Discover now