chapter nineteen⚠️⚠️

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please b prepare to read.
final warning


"Oh Victor, I had to see u." She tells me.

"Why must you visit me in the dead of night?"

"I could not wait any longer, my love." Wait for what?? What does she mean? It must be urgent.

"What cannot wait—" Her exposed chest caught me off guard, and my eyes widened at the sight of it. They were as thin as a sheet of paper! Why is she bare? Why is she merely wrapped in a quilt and wearing nothing? What's more, why is she showing me while we're not married? I immediately covered her back with her quilt.

"Victoria.." I spoke softly, avoiding her gaze. Her very cold hands were on top of mine.

"This is improper."


"Victoria... You are causing trouble." I tell her as I release her grasp on my hands. Victoria fell silent, and I sighed irritably.

"Are you angry with me?" She asked.

"Certainly. Victoria... I don't want to tell our folks this scandal." I sternly told her.

""But—Don't you love me?" Her eyes met mine, full of hope and despair. I averted my gaze.

"Please! You have to take me." I shook my head and drew her to her feet, dragging her to my balcony door.

"Do forgive me Victoria.... We shouldn't do such unforgivable acts before our marriage." Victoria wore her head down. She caught hold of my wrist just before she left.

"It would be rude to send your guest without proper tea greeting." Victoria informs me. She is correct. I shouldn't send her out without a cup of hot tea. I requested that my butler bring me a kettle and teacups. We sat in quiet, waiting for tea. I snatched the tray from my butler when it arrived because I didn't want him to see Victoria. I laid the platter down and started pouring tea for us. My balcony door flew open as I was pouring, and I ran to close it. When I returned, Victoria had just finished adding sugar to my tea and stirred it. I didn't think much of it and sipped my steaming tea.

"This tea is pleasant. I feel warm already." With a smile on her face, Victoria says. I nodded in response to her comment and proceeded to drink my tea.

"When we are finished with tea, you must go before your mother worries about you." As I take another drink of my tea, I inform her. I had finished my tea since I was so thirsty. I had this sudden overpowering sense and feeling a few minutes later. This was a sensation I had never felt before. What exactly is this sensation? As the sensation persisted, I became uneasy. To cover the bulge in my pajamas, I crossed my legs. I need to tell Victoria to go before I do anything stupid. I swallow and clear my throat.

"Victoria, I think it's time for you to go." I attempted to rise up but couldn't figure out how to shield myself from her. Victoria turned my head and kissed me while I worried about myself. I couldn't help but kiss her back, like if I was giving in to the emotion. Victoria sat on my lap as I turned my head away.

"No..Victoria." I exhaled, and she shifted her hips, causing me to quiver.

"You did something to my tea, didn't you?" My body desired passion more than anything else. I didn't want this, but I couldn't resist it as much. Victoria slid off my lap and got down on her knees.

"Victor... Are you sure you're not going to enjoy this?" She dragged my erect member out of my trouser, and I battled with her hands, attempting to hide myself.

"N-no.. I don't want this."

"Really? Are you sure you don't want me?" She snatched me in with her little mouth. I groaned as she began to please me. This is not something I desire... Please... stop. My head pounded and my eyesight became fuzzy as she moved her mouth around me. I was numb and unable to move. While I lay paralyzed, I saw her climb on top of me and slipped me inside her. I closed my eyes to prevent seeing her enjoy herself and began to lose myself in my own thoughts.


Emily's POV:

Here I was, with Barkis, at the cabin. During the Van Dorts celebration, we had sneaked away. We kissed while I sat on his lap. Barkis withdrew, ending the kiss. He yanked my dress down to display my breasts.

"You have the most beautiful tits I ever seen." Before suckling them, he says. He's ever seen? Has he seen others? Emily, please quit worrying so much and savor this moment. Barkis touched my neck with his lips, causing me to start leaking. This is something I've never done before. He scoops me up out of the blue and carries me to the bed. I giggled a little when he almost flung me.

"Wait, my lord—" He flips me over my stomach and pulled me to the edge of the bed.

"M-my lord—Just a minute—"

"If you want my forgiveness, Emily. It must be done my way." Barkis sternly says while he pushes my dress up to expose my bottom and back.

"I know but—"

"Goddamnit stop fucking talking." He says, then shoves my face into the bed and slams into me. I could feel my own agony. What exactly is this? I didn't picture our first love making like this. He's holding me down, but why? I want him to stop!

"Mmm... Yeah, fucking take it." He huffed out, with all of his force. I closed my eyes and felt his hips repeatedly strike my buttocks. I want this to end. In an attempt to escape this suffering that was meant to be filled with passion and love, I began to dissociate myself. There was no love or passion in this. I feel as though my insides are being ripped apart. I lay there helpless as he gave me a horrible time. All I want is for it to end. He turned me over onto my back and choked me with his hand around my neck. I'm struggling to breathe. Barkis was staring at my body instead of me, and while he pounded into me, he was twisting and pinching my nipples. Fearful, I closed my eyes. Lord Barkis was too strong for me. When he finally stops, he just grabs my face and opens my lips to let him in. I was unable to breathe for a long time as he thrust his way down my throat, pouring warm, salty fluids in my throat. I grabbed the chamber pot to throw up after removing him from my lips. Barkis laughed aloud.

"I'm not quite satisfied, Emmie." The more times he calls me that, the more I loathe the name. I looked at the clock and shook my head.

"It's late, I must return home." I said, rising up and preparing to go. Barkis approached and grabbed my arm. The rest is history as he leads me to the bed, pins my arms down, and climbs on top of me.


One and Only (Corpse Bride fanfic; Victor x Emily)Where stories live. Discover now