chapter twenty; part 1

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Victor's POV:

I awoke from a strong headache. I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. I heard some movements next to me. I turned to see who I was sharing my bed with. It was Victoria, who was naked under the sheets. I looked down at my body where my trouser were missing. What have we done? I don't remember how we got into bed. I'm well aware that she had to do something with my drink. I feel more disgusted towards Victoria. There are bits of parts where I remembered my body enjoying the pleasure when I really didn't want too. Once I found my trouser, I hurriedly wrote a letter telling Victoria I had to go to my father's business meeting and grabbed my frock coat. I left the house as fast as I can. I wanted to get away from her. I felt vulnerable and taken advantage but there's no such thing a woman could do that such of thing... Right?

I somehow ended up at the pub. I felt like drinking ale to relieve my overthinking and to calm my nerves. I saw the Wilsons brothers at a table playing cards. They noticed me right away and beckon me over. I gave a short smile and approached them. They instantly sat me down and included me into their card game.

"Ello mate, how you've been?" Everett asked me. He was smoking a cigar.

"Uh--Um.. Fine. How's Alice?"

"Ah.. She's such a beauty, I'm happy I'm marrying her."

"Everett said it's because she has a tight hole he ever had." I raised my eyebrows questionable. I find it weird sharing such intimate moments to your very own blood.

"So Victor, why are you here?"

"Oh.. Um.. You mustn't tell anyone but.. I think I was taken advantage of." The brothers stopped looking at their cards and shot their eyes straight at me.

"Nah lad, are you alright?"

"Wait you're not looking down on me? Isn't it unnatural sin for me to sprout such nonsense?" They raised their eyebrows in confusion.

"Mate, I don't know if you knew but men can be raped too." I felt a bit relieved that I wasn't mad for feeling such way.

"People are brave these days." Eugene says while shaking his head in disappointment.

"You ain't gotta tell us if you're not comfortable mate." Everett tells me, patting my shoulder assuring me. I feel... valid. They didn't make me feel as if I'm mad. I told them what happened to me and they felt angry for me.

"Bloody hell! If Alice ever did such thing, I would make her life miserable!" Everett shouted. By this time, it was already night fall. I didn't realize my story telling would be long.

"Just like Emily. I don't know how the poor girl manage to survive through that." I shot a look at Eugene. What does he mean by that?? Emily was rapine? I started to ask questions in my head and the Wilson brothers turned at me when they realized I went silent.

"Oh.. ye didn't hear? Lord Barkis took Emily's virtue... Forcefully."

"Yeah, he practically bragged about it at the pub down the dairyman." I was shocked to hear that pig took advantage of her.


Emily's POV:

I had fallen asleep... I woke up to an empty bed fully bare. Barkis had stripped me out of my beautiful blue dress. I got up from the bed and walked towards the mirror. I wrapped my body with the fur blanket. I turned to look at my shoulder where I saw the bruise of a handprint. I gasped at the sight of it. I felt numb. I looked in the mirror again but down to my leg where another handprint was printed. My body was shaking. After Barkis... got tired, he fell asleep with his arms around me and I couldn't sleep. Eventually I cried silently and fell asleep. I slowly prepared myself to leave. I was making my way home until I saw Barkis. My eyes lit up and I approached him.

"My lord--" He walked past me and I watched him kiss another woman. My heart broken in a million pieces. How could he do this to me?? I thought he proposed to me? I followed him and the woman to a brothel, a whorehouse. My heart stung. Why is he there when he has me? After an hour passed, he finally came out. I snatched his wrist and pulled him into an alleyway.

"You lied to me! You said you would forgive me if I gave you my virtue."

"I did forgive you. You've done your duty." Barkis starts to walk away but I stopped him.

"I thought you wanted to marry me? I gave it to you because it was your proposal!"

"I never said I wanted to marry you." Barkis snatched his arm out of my grip and walked away with another woman. I can't believe this... I walked away from the scene and walked home, holding in my tears.


I arrived home and asked for a bath. When my bath was ready, I sat in the tub in somber. I stared at the bruises that Barkis gave me. My hand trailed down to my region and I winced in pain. I haven't able to think about my body that I didn't realize how sore it was. There was a knock on the door. I hurried to cover my chest.

"Lady Emily? It's Genevieve, will you be going to Edith's tea party? Your mother is curious." She says on the other side of the door. I forgot that Edith was having tea at her manor.

"Yes! I-I forgot. What time is it?"

"Dearie, it's almost for midday lunch." I gasped, rushing to finish my bath and get ready to go over to Edith's. I chose a dress that would hide all of the bruises. It was white and had blue stripes along the hems of the dress. I did my own cosmetic. Eyelash mascaro and oil gloss on my lips. Genevieve shouted for me that my carriage had arrived and I raced downstairs. I kissed my mother and father on the cheeks before heading off.


One and Only (Corpse Bride fanfic; Victor x Emily)Where stories live. Discover now