chapter ten

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Emily's POV:
It had been days since I spoke with Barkis. We had a minor quarrel over something insignificant. I knitted a peignoir(robe) while sitting by my window. Oh... How my heart aches for Barkis.. We would sneak out, and when I do leave the house, I always take my lady Edith with me. Barkis and I would converse endlessly till dawn and clasp hands, although we never shared a kiss. I was certain that Barkis would be the one I saved for my husband. But before Barkis had an opportunity, I'd already kissed someone else. Victor Van Dort. He is compassionate and gentle. My heart aches for Victor's consolation every now and then, ever since he walked me home from the cabin. Most of the time, I wonder how he is doing. Is it strange that I'm pining for someone else? Next winter, Victor will be a married man, and it doesn't feel proper to harbor such feelings for him. Setting down my knitting tools, I look out at the bustling town. Perhaps I ought to go on a walk and observe what everyday folks is up to. I changed out of my loungewear and into my pastel flowery gown. I took a seat at my vanity, tied two hair strands in a bowknot, and applied a tint of rouge color on my lips. I asked the butler to let Edith know when she should arrive in town.

I came across the children playing in the river and wanted to say hello. They exchanged smug glances and started splashing me.

"Don't you dare!" I shrieked as I tried to avoid getting splashed.

"Oh c'mon Miss. Merrimack! You ought to join us!"

"Thank you for your kind offer but I will sit here and watch your entertainment." I had my arms folded across my chest, but one of the little girls took a hold of my hand and dragged me into the river, soaking me completely.

"Now you've done it!" I laughed as I rose to my feet, splashing the youngsters. I spent the majority of the evening having a great time playing with young children and in the water. The kids stopped splashing at each other and turned to stare at me. As I assume someone was injured, my smile fades. I looked back and there he was. Upon seeing him, my breath hitched.

"Barkis?" When I called out, he smiled reassuringly. He bolted into the river in my direction.

"Forgive me for being such coward." He addresses me. Barkis grasped my jaw and pressed his lips against mine, rendering me speechless. The young ones gave us a cheer. Withdrawing from the kiss, Barkis places his forehead against mine.

"Oh how I missed you, Emmie." He lets out a deep sigh before embracing me. I returned the hug, unsure what to do. Edith had finally arrived and cleared her throat. In instant, I push Barkis away separating the space between us.

"I assume you came to ask for forgiveness." With her arms folded across her chest and a harsh expression on Barkis's face, Edith spoke. Barkis answered before I could say anything.

"As you can see, Emmie here has already forgiven me." Barkis seized my shoulder and forcefully pushed me against his hip.

"Her name is Emily."

"I suggest you to shut your yap, women." It's evident that Edith's hands were clenched into fists.

"Emily." Edith gave me a sharp call, and I could tell she was angry because she doesn't usually get furious. I unwrapped myself from Barkis and picked up my heels. It felt wrong to merely leave Barkis in the river. Before heading out with Edith, I hurried over to give him a quick peck on the cheek. Edith grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the river, scolding me.

"Why are you still socializing with such arse bastard?"

"I love him."

"Oh please! You won't love him until he hits you." Edith spat out. I went silent. He wouldn't do such a thing.. Right?

Later that evening, Edith persuaded me to consider Barkis's pardon. I sent Barkis a letter explaining that I needed some time to consider forgiving him. It was late at night when I snuck out my window with my coat in tow. I went to the big old oak tree that Barkis and I used to meet. My stomach ached, like though my gut was warning me something wasn't quite right. I tucked the letter beneath a rock and walked away from the tree to return home.


Today, the next morning, Edith and Alice and I are having tea. I prepared for the tea party by washing my face and brushing my teeth. I changed from my sleepwear to a blush pink daygown. Genevieve, my maid, entered my room to prepare my hair. She braided the sides of my hair and adorned it with pearls. She completes the look by placing a pearl-encrusted headband on my head. My butler informs me that Edith has arrived and is waiting in the tea room. Because of yesterday, Edith didn't seem pleased to see me. She is still enraged by Barkis. While we waited for Alice, Edith and I sat quietly drinking our tea. Alice was dreadfully late, as I saw by looking at the clock.

"My golly, Alice is sure late."

"She's never usually late." Edith answered.

"Miss. Emily, Miss. Edith, I was told that Miss. Alice never came home and appears to be missing." My servant, Genevieve tells me. Edith and I both rose up, our eyes widening.

"What?!" Edith and I exchanged glances; Edith is no longer angry with me. Our friend has gone missing, and it is important that we find her!

"Thank you Mrs. Genevieve. Fetch us our cloaks. We must look for her." I told her, she dashed over to collect our cloaks, and once we had them. In our haste, we left the house to find Alice. We were shouting for her name as we walked around town looking for Alice. I bumped into someone as I ran. I turned around to say my apology but it was Victor!


One and Only (Corpse Bride fanfic; Victor x Emily)Where stories live. Discover now