chapter three

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"The family jewels and a satchel of gold
Then next to the graveyard by the old oak tree."

You must warn her before it's too late!
Oh! You must warn .... !


My eyes suddenly awakened, revealing another odd dream. Family jewels and satchel of gold? What does this mean? When I turned over, my dresser was back in its original position, indicating that my butler or other servants had cleaned my room while I was asleep. After opening the window curtains, I extended my arms. The weather was clear and sunny. My gaze landed on the recognizable face as I peered down at the town. Emily. She was speaking with the children and the general public. I suddenly found myself grinning and realized that I had become affiance. I got ready and walked into the kitchen to have some toast. There was no sign of mother and father. Suppose they went out for a walk or somewhere. In the midst of thinking about what I did yesterday, I became a bit sheepish. The rehearsal... How will I ever show my face to them? Especially Victoria? Perchance I'll ask for forgiveness! Victoria and I can then take a stroll through the garden together, if she'd like. She seems like she would enjoy a walk. I asked the servants to prepare a carriage for me to visit the Everglots. The only thing there was when I got there was the door slamming in my face. They're still angry how I acted at the rehearsal. Before I entered my carriage, I noticed Victoria at her window. She appeared to be speaking to me through her eyes, and they told me to wait for her. I instructed coachman to proceed down the street so that the Everglots wouldn't see me but that Victoria would still be able to see me exit the carriage and wait for her. I observed her leap from her window and sprint my way.
"Victor! How are you?" Victoria asked out of breath.
"Very well. Would you like to accompany me for a walk?" I offered her my arm, she wrapped her arms around mine, and we started walking to town.

While having good conversations with Victoria, my eyes are constantly searching for that familiar face, hoping to run into them.
"Who, are you looking for?" Victoria enquired after noticing that I wasn't listening to the discourse.
"Oh.. um-Nothing. I'm just a bit worried about your mother and father finding us." As I attempted to lie, I fumbled over my words. She chuckled lightly.
"Don't dwell, my mother and father are at home, Victor." Victoria gave me assurance. giving her a fake half-laugh. We kept on moving and eventually arrived at the market.

"Mother said going to the market is meant for pillocks who likes to waste their currency." I tried to fabricate an excuse for Victoria to go home after she offended me. I swallowed and cleared my throat.
"It's a bit late isn't it?" I inform her that she glanced at the time while looking at my pocket watch.
"It's almost my tea time with mother. Will you walk me?" I scratched the back of my head as Victoria grinned.
"We mustn't be seen together, your mother will again, scold me." I responded, remembering Mrs. Everglots lecturing me when I was alone with Victoria.
"Perhaps you're right, farewell Victor." Victoria rose up and reached for my face, but I quickly backed away, feeling a little uneasy. Victoria says there's a thread on my shoulder in an attempt to deflect attention. She starts walking home, and as I watched her leave town and round the corner, I let out a relieved sigh.
"Give it a listen! It sounds marvelous."I shifted my attention to the citizen who was speaking to the person I desired. The civilian pressed the large loaf of bread while holding it close to their ears.
"Wondrous." She says.
"Greetings, Emily!" She turned to face me as I approached and grinned.
"Greetings, Victor." Emily replied. We began walking together down the street.
"How are you at this finest hour?" Hoping that it wasn't improper of me to ask of her day.
"Thrilling, I shall say." We came across a booth selling chocolate, she said.
"Oh these are expensive and hard to get." Emily purchases two tiny pieces, giving me the second one. We each consumed a piece of chocolate simultaneously.
"A bit gritty." I tell Emily.
"You don't like it?" She pouts, and I shake my head, pushing myself to chew the chocolate.
"I-I do! The texture is a bit gritty, it's something I wasn't expecting." I chuckled nervously. Emily gasped like she had remembered something, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to a garden.
"You ought to see this garden. Isn't it beautiful?" Emily releases my hand and begins to smell the flowers. Watching her take pleasure in the flowers makes me smile. I went after her as she sat down on a bench and inhaled everything. I sat down on the bench next to her.
"I thought of you. This garden." Emily informs me. I was astounded—she was considering me? Why did she have me in mind?
"You smell like flowers, odd isn't it?" We shared some laughter. She covered her mouth which showed her pearly whites, she held her stomach. She had an infectious laugh. Odd, yes but when I learned that she was considering me, my pulse raced. Why does this matter? Does she have any feelings for me?
"Have you ever been in love?" I was caught off guard when Emily questioned me.
"To be frankly honest, I'm currently affiance and I just met her—"
"Do you ever get that feeling in your stomach?" Emily cut me off by placing her hand on her chest just over her heart.
"That's how I feel with my beau." Oh.. she's in a courtship with someone.
"May I ask who's your beau?" She paused and looked around before speaking. Emily motioned for me to offer her my ear, so I leaned in. Her soft, compassionate hand clasped over my ear.
"Thy name is Lord Barkis." She blushes and draws away. That is not a name I like. I'm a little envious of him. What was it about him that made me feel this way?
"What is your affiance like?" Emily held her hands in her lap and looked me in the eyes.
"Ah.. Well she's elegant, delicate and divine." As I described Victoria, I clenched my tie.
"Does she make your heart flutter?" I pondered whether Victoria ever did. I believe it occurred while we were in the music room.
"Only once." I tell Emily. Disappointed, I gazed at the ground.
"Was it arranged?"
"Uh.. Yes."
"Don't stew over it, I'm sure you'll be put right." Our eyes met as she extended her hand toward mine. Again, the fluttering in my stomach rose up.
"What time is it?" Emily pointed at my watch, I took it out and looked at the time. It was quarter to two.
"Oh my.. It's almost for supper. I ought to be home now, i bid you well Victor." Emily placed a small kiss on my cheek before she stood up to depart. My cheeks flushed, my fingers reached the area where her soft lips had been put on my cheek.


One and Only (Corpse Bride fanfic; Victor x Emily)Where stories live. Discover now