chapter twenty two; part 3

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I'm backkkkkkk<3
comment you missed me:))



After hours of us drinking, we were drunk. We played beer pong, darts and cards. Alice was talking about having imaginations about owning a hot bath.

"OH! There has been gossips about a steam lake nearby. We ought to go swimming!" Edith drunkenly exclaimed. Everyone shook their heads in agreement, they started getting ready to go to the lake. Emily surprised me when she grabbed a hold of my arm, leaning against me as she staggers to put her shoes on. Once everyone was ready, we started walking to find the steaming lake. It's interesting that we have a steaming lake in our town. Never knew we had molten rocks around the town, especially so close to cabin. It felt like half an hour before arriving at the lake. Everyone cheered and started undressing. Emily and I were the ones who didn't get into the water right away. I took off my shoes and my frock before looking over at Emily, who was astonished by the moonlight as if it was glowing down on her.

"How beautiful the moonlight is." Emily says, she starts to undress her corset, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the lake. The ladies started splashing at the men. We got into a huge water fight, playful to straight dunking each other in the water.

Emily and I swam deeper in the lake just enough our toes could reach. We were watching Alice and Everett playing with each other while Edith and Eugene were trying to dunk Everett. I noticed Emily smiling watching her friends in a playful play. Oh how beautiful she looks. It appears that she noticed how long I was staring because she turned and caught my gaze. We sat in silence once more.

"Can I kiss you?" We suddenly asked each other. Once we realized what we said, we giggled. We got closer, drawing in and I pulled her close to me as she cups my face, kissing me. The butterflies flew around my stomach and my face was steaming. I never wanted someone more. Her gentle lips danced with my mouth. We kissed under the moonlight.

"Victor! Emily! We must go back!" The friends shouted as they got out of the water. Instantly, we pulled away from each other acting like nothing happened. We swam back to shore. After we got dressed, Emily leaned against her ladies stating that she's tired. Everett patted my shoulder before saying something that took me by surprise.

"Victor will carry ya, ain't that right Victor?" Everett gave a sly smirk towards me, I felt my mouth hang open. Emily turns to me. I felt my cheeks flush as I started stuttering. What am I waiting for? I got down on one knee in front of Emily, waiting for her to lean on my back. A couple of seconds goes by and I felt Emily's arms wrap around my shoulders. I stood up, carefully wrapping my arms around her legs.

"You feel so warm, Victor." Emily says in a whisper, and then I heard soft snoring. We walked back to the cabin, I gently laid Emily down on the couch. I covered her fragile body with a fur blanket. I sat on the floor next to her. I stared at her beautiful soft face. After a while, my head started hurting and eventually went to sleep.


It's been a few weeks since I last seen Emily and our friends. I don't really remember what happened that night, I woke up with a strong headache and found myself with Eugene. He was waiting til I awake. He gave me a cup of something that cured my headache instantly. We walked back into the town and separated our ways.

To keep the suspicion off me hiding from Victoria. I was forced to pretend enjoying her presence. I kept looking at my pocket watch as the time went by. Victoria was blabbering about how she missed me and the rest I did not bother to listen. I wanted the time to move faster. Suddenly, we heard a loud commotion in the garden. The familiar silhouette stood still as the man smashed her painting on the ground. I paid more attention to the man and I felt anger rise in me. That gibface(An ugly person, especially one with a heavy lower jaw).

"Victoria. You must go on home now." I tell her as I rush her off back to Mrs. Miriam. She pushed back.


"Now. Victoria." I said sternly, her face saddened by the tone of my voice and obeyed. She walked away to find Mrs. Miriam. I turned around to find the woman picking her things, I went over to help. I reached for her brush and her hand hit mine. She was surprised—It was Emily. Her eyes full of sadness. I reassured her with my eyes.

"You don't have to help me, Victor." Her voice cracks as if she was holding her tears. I gathered all the broken things and gave my hand to her. Emily shook her head and stood up on her own.

"Let me walk you home, Emily." I softly said to her. She grabbed her things from my hands. She turns away and began walking away from me. I find myself grabbing her arm before she walk off.

"At least, let me carry your things for you."

"Oh! Will you stop!? I do not need your guidance. So please, must you give your aid somewhere else." Emily's tears filled her eyes then she walks away. I let out a sigh watching her, I quickly caught up with her—grabbing her supplies from her arms and walked ahead of her. I noticed Emily was no longer aside of me, I turned around to see her standing in shock.

"Hurry on, your painting isn't going to paint itself." I tell her, showing her broken canvas.

"Restoring a painting is," I overlooked the damage of the canvas, "perhaps an easy fix." I gave her a sly smile, her eyes softened and she began walking along aside me.


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