chapter fifteen

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Victor's POV:
I haven't seen Victoria in three weeks. I was occupied with Alice and Everett's celebration, and since Mrs. Everglots forbade Victoria and I from seeing each other, I've been holed up in my room researching various bugs. My mother suddenly burst in while I was inside my flat. I was doing some research on an insect I had discovered in the garden. She declared that while the family we do not know has invited us but the mother wishes to expand her social circle.

"Do I have to go? I really need to finish this research." I told mother but of course, she shook her head no.

"We ought to go to show high regards. Who are we, if we do not show?"

"Mother, we don't even know who they are. Why can't I just stay home, I'm sure you and father need twosome time."

"Oh Victor, we often have time late at night so we don't need it." I was appalled and disgusted by my mother. I really didn't need her to tell me that.

"Besides, we do know them. It's a celebration of my mother and father's friend's son." Christ why, oh why, does my mother know everyone? Silence and no socializing was what I hoped for. Similar to the Everglots, except they're stiff and uninteresting.

"Well that is finale. You are going so be ready when the day comes." Mother goes out of my room. I rolled my eyes and resumed doing my research.


I didn't know anyone, so I followed my parents around the villa. My mother and father shared a look as if to make sure this was the proper location for the celebration. People were continually knocking me over. I told my parents that I was going to the washroom to get away from the people because I was starting to become really irritated. But it was the same over there. The restroom was overflowing with people peeing all over the place. What kind of celebration is this?? It's crowded with middle-aged bastards who act younger. I came to the conclusion that I needed to get out of here. I entered a dimly lit area where I could only make out a shadowy familiar silhouette of a person.

"Emily?" I called out. As I got closer, I let out a gasp and ran to her aid.

"What happened? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine. Are you sure?"

"I'm on my... rag. It's slightly... painful." Emily, poor thing, what a torment to have to endure—it must be difficult to be a woman.

"Do you want tea to help with it?"

"Would you be kind?" I sat her down on a settee and dashed out to get her some hot tea. The ballroom was so packed when I walked in that it took me several minutes to reach the kitchen. When I walked into the kitchen, it was disorganized and the chefs were drunk! I had a hard time locating a teacup. I looked in every cupboard for tea and mugs. Where the devil have these folks placed their tea and cups? I noticed a lass (girl) servant standing in the corner out of the corner of my eye. She was surrounded by bastards who were picking on her. I was furious; someone should defend and look out for her. She's only a child! I pushed the old fucks aside so I could pull her into the servants' quarters.

"Little girl, do you happen to know where the tea cups and tea bags are?" I asked her a query. Shaking her head in agreement, she headed to her bed. She crawls beneath the bed to retrieve something. She comes up to me and hands me the lovely tea cup. She also carried a little bag filled with leaves for herbal tea.

"I bought these with my very own shillings. This is my gratitude for troubling you."

"Oh... Uh... I cannot accept this. It is your treasure and I'll be sure to bring it back to you." I returned to the kitchen to bring the water to a boil while keeping a watch out to make sure nobody was going to fall over the stove or take the tea cup. I removed the pot from the burner when the water reached a suitable temperature, then I poured it into the cup and submerged the tiny tea leaf bag in it. When I returned to the parlor room where Emily had been, she was gone. I hidden the tea cup before exiting the room. Emily wasn't in the ballroom, so I went outside and called for her. While concentrating on attempting to locate Emily, I heard some shouting but ignored it. After exploring the entire property, I came to Emily sitting on the garden's floor. What was she doing out here?

"Emily!" I strode over to her and yelled. She gets up swiftly and turns to face me while dabbing at her eyes.

"What are you doing out here? I have your tea in the parlor room."

"It was getting quite hot in there, came out here for fresh air." Emily informs me, but I'm certain that she's lying. I could see the blood trickling out of her lips as I got closer.

"My god! What happened!?" Emily covered her lips frantically and shrugged her shoulders.

"You need to tell me so I can help you."

"I'm not obligated to tell you. I know you mean well but I need to go home." She started to turn to go, but I caught hold of her wrist and pulled her into an embrace.

"It looks like you need a shoulder to cry on, please don't be afraid." Says I to her. She started to cry in my chest, and I could feel her arms around my waist. Leaning my head over hers, I listened to her weeping.


Emily didn't say anything, so we sat in silence when she finished sobbing. I complied with her request when she requested me to notify her parents that she wanted to return home. I went in search of her parents and ordered a carriage for her. To ensure her parents boarded the carriage, I stood close to hers. Emily waved to me as the carriage pulled away. Returning to the parlor room, I took out the tea cup that I had hidden to return it to the little girl. After she thanked me, I walked back outside to where my folks were waiting to go. Due to the presence of so many wild bastards, Mother didn't think this event was very sophisticated. I wondered how Emily was doing while I sat in the carriage and gazed at the moon. Why was she so upset? What was more crucial: why was her lip bleeding?


One and Only (Corpse Bride fanfic; Victor x Emily)Where stories live. Discover now