chapter twenty three

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Emily's POV:

A couple days passed since we hung out at the cabin. Edith's folks were celebrating their wedding anniversary. My family had to go help set up for the party. I pulled Edith aside, carefully making sure no one was around.

"Edith," I say.

"What is it? Are you alright?" She asked worriedly. I took her hand in mine.

"You are my lady, correct?" She nods her head yes.

"And I am only thee loyal lady you've ever had."

"Emily? What is it?" I stayed silent for a moment.

"Oh, c'mon spit it out. We don't hide from the truth." Edith tells me, I took a deep breath. I sat her down still holding her hand before looking directly into her eyes.

"I've been courting with Lord Barkis," My voice shook with fear. "And, he... My virtue was stolen from me." Edith's mouth hung open. She look at the ground, processing what she heard. Her gaze met my eyes. Edith reached over my cheek.

"You poor child... You ought to be scared." She softly says, my eyes filled with tears. She pulls me into a hug. Her hand stroke my hair, comforting as I sob.

"It seems though, I cannot bring myself to end the affair. He would not allow it."

"That bastard." Edith said through her teeth. Edith spent the remaining hours of the night with me.

A week has gone by, Edith and I had went down to the market. We had picked up dresses made by lovely civilians, we made our way to the vegetable and fruits stalls. Edith has never left my side. She was full of laughters and it was contagious.

"I've read a book that you can make these into finery sauce." Edith tells me, pointing at bright golden yellow flowers which is named mustard.

"Oh! Emily, you must to try the pesto sauce! It has crushed garlic, pine nuts, basil leaves and parmesan." I watched her grab a small spoon, scooping a tiny amount of pesto sauce and spoon fed me. My eyes widen at the taste of it.

"This is heavenly! How ever did they make this?"

"It comes from Italy-"

"Emmie? Dearie, where have you gone?" I froze as soon I heard that recognizable voice. I looked up to see him. He was walking towards my direction but I couldn't move. All of sudden, a figure stood in front of me. I snapped out of my scared mind.

"You shall not approach the lady." Edith tells him.

"What do you know, cunt." He got into her face. Edith stood still, holding her ground.

"Lord Barkis!" I suddenly shouted. His gaze met mine, softening at the sight of me.

"You must watch that tongue of yours." Before he can say anything else, I stepped infront of Edith.

"My father's loyal to the town and he's not afraid to cause troubles with you. Especially how you disrespect his greeting." When he didn't say anything else, I grabbed Edith's arm and began walking but I was held back.

"What about our courtship?" Edith got between us.

"She does not want anything from you bastard!" Edith shouted, spitting at his shoes.

"Is this true, my love?" His eyes felt like daggers. I avoided his gaze and refused to talk. Edith pulled us away from that man and called a carriage. As we walked away, Barkis was still standing behind us, glaring down at us. He scratched his lip with his thumb before spitting at the ground. I felt this huge weight off of my shoulders. I'm free from this affair.

I was in the garden, painting. Edith had gone on a travel with her parents to meet a fair man to marry. Alice and Eugene were building their manor. I decided to spend my day painting. I gathered my items and went to the local garden.

As I added small strokes onto the canvas, capturing the essence of the landscape. I heard giggling ahead of me and I looked up to face the man I thought I'd ever see again. There was a woman holding his arm as they walked towards me. His eyes felt like daggers. They walked towards me, I pretended to not notice them.

"What's this? A whore painting?" His words felt like paper cuts. This man who loved me was saying such awful things. I continued to paint but my canvas was snatched and thrown on the ground. I stood still, watching him smash everything to the ground. The woman who was with Barkis, she laughs.

"Oh look at her! She's completely frozen!! What a cunt." She grabs Barkis's arm and he smiles. Before they walked away, he stomps on my tools. Breaking my brushes. Trying to not cry as Barkis and the woman walked away. I bend down to gather my things. I reached for my brush but another hand appeared. My eyes trailed the hand of a man. Victor. His eyes reassured me. Why does he always appear at times like this?

"You don't have to help me, Victor." I choked on my words as we gathered all the broken things and he gave his hand to me. I shook my head refusing, standing up on my own.

"Let me walk you home, Emily." He softly says. I grabbed the items from his hands. I turned away and began walking away from him. A hand stopped me.

"At least, let me carry your things for you."

"Oh! Will you stop!? I do not need your guidance. So please, must you give your aid somewhere else." I shouted, feeling my tears building up. I yank myself from his grasp and walked away. All of sudden, Victor grabs the items and began walking ahead of me. I stood still, watching him peacefully walking away but he stops. My heart cannot stop beating for him. I cannot deny this love.

"Hurry on, your painting isn't going to paint itself." He tells me, showing me the broken canvas. Is this alright for me to let my heart beat like this? To want him? To be loved by him?

"Restoring a painting is," He looks at the canvas, "perhaps an easy fix." he gives a sly smile. Perhaps... I can love him without him knowing. I can live with that.


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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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