chapter five

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"I heard that Victor is affiance." The statement made by Emily's mother drew my attention, so I straightened up and cleared my throat.
"Uh.. Ah yes, I'm betrothed to the Everglots." To add sugar to my tea, I leaned over and grabbed the bowl.
"Ah.. The Everglots. Maudeline sure do act rather rigorous." Emily's mother sipped her tea, she wasn't wrong--Mrs. Everglots is indeed highly harsh on Victoria. Somehow, the conversation went a bit awkward to withstand.
"The Everglots are good noble folks." With the intention of changing the topic, Emily's father joins the conversation.
"Factual." I spoke while dodging any speculative looks. Mother and her companion started discussing the details of the wedding, which I was unaware of. I made the choice to disregard it and address it later.
"Victor, would you be kind and see if Emily is alright?" Emily's dad asked. I nodded and got up from the table. I roamed the home while seeking for Emily. I opened the front door and turned to my right, where I discovered the music room. There was a piano, and I recalled first meeting Victoria there. As I began to play the piano, I smiled to myself. The way Victoria made me feel, how we first met, how she affected me, and how amazing she is were all in my mind as my fingers moved. How will our marriage be like? I often wonder. I'm curious what Victoria thinks of this arrangement. I turned over after finishing the song in a strong key to see Emily standing in the doorway. When I saw her, I clutched my chest in terror. She walked over to the piano, where I was sitting.
"You played heavenly. I've never heard someone play so gracefully." Emily cracked a smile as she seated herself next to me and began playing. The music of Frederic Chopin's key chords were familiar to me. After I figured out the tune, Emily raised her eyebrows and smirked at me as I started to play along. We started out dueling in music, but I lost because I deviated from the rhythm.
"Pardon my enthusiasm." As she completes the song's ending, Emily giggled.
"I like your enthusiasm." We sat in silence until our eyes matched. I glanced over her lips as I contemplating whether or not to offer her a smooch. We were interrupted by our parents as I was making up my mind.
"There you are! I take it Victor had found our music room." Everyone followed Emily's mother as she entered the room. We moved a few inches apart from one another, Emily and I.
"Emily would play the piano to help her get things off of her mind if knitting doesn't help." As stated by Emily's father, I could tell Emily was a little self-conscious because she covered half of her face with one hand.
"I think that's brilliant!" My mother chimed in.
"Oh! You ought to see this painting that Emily made. She confessed that a bird shat on it and Victor led a hand, making it spectacular! Isn't it stunning?" Emily's mother indicated the wall-mounted painting. She had the artwork up on the wall, how amazing. I turned to face Emily, who was facepalming.
"Mother said it shows alliance." Emily informs me about a painting with significance. I felt cherished. Emily and I were left alone once more when Emily's parents left the music room. I hesitated to break the quiet between us as I gazed down at the piano before turning to face Emily.
"Your parents seems equable." I say to her.
"Indeed, yes." Emily responds. After a brief period of stillness, I stood up and held out my hand.
"Shall we drink more tea?" She took hold of my hand, her lips curling once more in response to my question, and we went back to the tea room. Laughter and story-telling greeted us. I found a seat for me and Emily. I listened to small conversation and gossip for the remainder of the evening. Before getting into the carriage, my parents said their goodbyes. Emily then calls my name. I approach her again, and she tugs my wrist while cupping my ear.
"Meet me at the dairyman, 10 o'clock." She whispered. I gave her a look of shock. Why are we meeting so late? Wouldn't that put us in danger? She whispered. I gave her a startled expression. Why do we have a late meeting? That might put us in danger. I immediately said goodbye to the Merrimack and boarded the carriage when my mother ordered at me to move swiftly. The dairyman is where Emily wants me to meet her, but why? She shouldn't be walking in the dark, right? Who knows what may be in the world. Who knows what's out there.

Mother's gown was stuck in the wagon, making it impossible for her to exit on her own, so I helped her.
"Nell, you ought to wear a smaller gown!" My father shouted, yanking her arms.
"Oh curse you William!" My mother responded angrily, and I rolled my eyes as I helped my folks. After my mother exited the carriage, I proceeded to my room, where I was reminded of my meeting with Emily later tonight. As time passed, my stomach became uneasy and my hands began to shake with dread. I waited until my folks were in bed, then hurried out the door. With each stride I took, my concern about Emily increased. It was dark all over town, not a glint to be seen.When I turned to look behind me as I moved near the dairyman, I ran into someone! My bottom slammed against the ground, and I shrieked. My eyes widened as I only saw a large, dark shadow, and I could hear the hammering of my heart in my ears. The individual reached into their wrapping coat and brought out a torch, showing Emily. I felt relieved as she gave me a helping hand to get up off the ground.
"You frightened me." I told her, and she giggled. I cleaned the dirt off my buttom.
"Apologizes." I chased Emily as she began to walk away.
"So.. Where are we going?"
"We're going to a cabin." Emily responded, and I followed her around the corner.
"There will be booze there." I suddenly halted, which caused Emily to turn around.
"I-I don't drink." She must believe I'm not rebel enough for her, I feign shyness as I tell her while staring at the ground.
"Oh! I neither." I can believe Emily because as we locked eyes, I noticed how calm and composed they were. Emily and I resumed our stroll to a log cabin.


One and Only (Corpse Bride fanfic; Victor x Emily)Where stories live. Discover now