Just A Friend Of Hana's

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Author's note: the fictional name of Namjoon's sister in this story is Hana.

Background History. You and Hana have been friends since you were 5 years old and grew up together. Currently Hana is living with her brother while attending university and you would come visit for short periods of time. Though Hana and you are the same age you finished university ahead of Hana because they advanced you due to your high IQ. Hana has always had double twin beds in her room no matter where she lived for when you would come visit.

You are walking down one of the halls in the building where Hana's brother, Namjoon works when you see Tae.

With a look of surprise Taehyung says "What are you doing here?" He takes your hand and you smile at each other.

You laugh and say "Hi to you too Tae."

He steps back still smiling that boxy smile you have loved since you first met him. You notice his eyes travel from your head to your toes then back to your face. He smiles brightly seemingly pleased with what he sees.

"What are you doing here? I'm happy to see you . . ."

You lower your head still a little bashful after all these years especially around him, then you lift your head "I'm here with Namjoon's sister."

Still starring at you he says "Wow, the last time I saw you was before our debut. You were hanging around then too."

He laughs and you shrug your shoulders "Yeah. I didn't mean to be a bother back then. It's just that she is my best friend and she wanted me to come with her."

You blush, "Well, let me catch up with her."

You turn to leave and Tae has taken hold of your hand, "Wait, I'll go with you."

"No that's ok, but thanks anyway." You pull your hand out of his "I know you guys are busy. Hana is here just long enough to drop something off for her brother. Goodbye Tae."

You hurry down the hall to meet up with Hana.

Taehyung just stands there, amazed at how much you have changed since their debut. You see Hana and hurry to catch up. You both whisper to each other and she looks back at Tae and you both lightly laugh as you walk away.

Jimin and Jungkook come up to Tae "Hey" says Jimin, "Who was that?"

Jungkook says "Yeah, who is she? She's hot."

Taehyung takes a sigh of breath and says "Just a friend of Hana's. They are dropping something off for Namjoon."

Jimin and Jungkook watch the two of you walk away. Jimin smiles and nudges Jungkook, "A sweet ending to the day wouldn't you say?"

Jungkook smiles and says "The nicest 'ending' I have seen in a while."

He starts to wonder "Hey, haven't we met her before? She looks familiar."

Taehyung says "You two stop it. You act like you haven't seen a girl before."

He laughs and Jimin says "You ready to go?" the three of them head off for rehearsal in the dance studio.

Tae takes one more look back hoping to see you. He notices two faces peek around the corner watching them. He quickly turns back around and smiles.

He thinks to himself as he smiles, 'Wow, she's even more beautiful. Damn she has filled out nicely too.'

"Hey!" says Jungkook as he grabs Taehyung around the shoulder snapping him out of his thoughts. "Where did your mind wonder off too?"

Taehyung looks back down the hall, "Just how time changes us."

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now