I Like Her Fiery

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Jimin and Jungkook arrive back at their apartment.

Jimin turns to Jungkook "Do you think it worked? Did Hana get jealous?"

Jungkook goes to the kitchen and Jimin follows waiting for Jungkook's answer.

Jungkook gets a banana milk out of the refrigerator, opens it and takes a long slow drink. He starts to grin when he sees Jimin is losing his patience but he continues to drink.

Jungkook laughs and asks "Seriously?"

Jimin nods just as Yoongi enters the kitchen. Having over heard their conversation he says, "I think you over did it."

He pours himself a tumbler of whiskey and takes a sip looking at them.

He says "You were trying so hard to make Hana jealous by paying attention to Enna that you forgot to pay any attention to Hana."

Jimin pushes his hair back from off his forehead and lets out a huff of anger, "Dammit, you're right. I did over do it."

Looking at them for help he asks "What do I do now? She probably hates me more than ever."

Jungkook finishes his banana milk and says "I think she still likes you, but yeah."

Yoongi pats Jimin's shoulder on his was out of the kitchen after putting his glass in the sink. "Just give it some time. I'm sure she'll cool off."

Jimin says to Yoongi's retreating back, "But I don't want her cooled off. I like her fiery."

Jungkook rolls his eyes and they hear Yoongi's machine gun laugh as he heads down the hall.

Hearing Yoongi's bedroom door close Jimin turns to Jungkook as he slams his fist on the table "Damn it JK I messed up."

Jungkook frowns and shrugs, "Send her flowers."

Jimin looks frustrated and says "I gave Enna flowers tonight. I don't think that is going to help."

Jungkook thinks about it then nods "You're right. It wouldn't look like anything special since you gave her flowers too."

Jimin sits at the kitchen counter resting his head on his hands "What do I do Kooki, I love her."

Surprised by this confession from Jimin he is stunned for a few minutes then stands by Jimin.

"You love her? Like in love, love her?"

Jimin doesn't raise his head just nods. Jungkook drops onto the high stool next to Jimin.

"Wow. What's it like being in love?"

Jimin without even looking up kicks his foot over hitting Jungkook on the shin.

Jungkook grabs his shin "Owe why'd you do that?"

Jimin says "That is what it feels like. Only imagine the kick a little higher up."

Jungkook grimaces as his hands cover his lap, "Oh."

Jimin is sorry he kicked Jungkook but he was feeling like his heart has been kicked. He wonders has he messed up any chance of being with Hana.

"Kook, I'm sorry." He slips off the stool and heads to his room, "Good night."

He runs his hand through his hair as goes down the hall to his room.

Jungkook hears his door close and gets up to grab another banana milk before heading to his room. As he passes Jimin's room he can hear him crying.

Jungkook thinks to him self 'I don't think I ever want to fall in love.'

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