The Great Kimchi Incident

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You both pop back around the corner heading down the hallway. You're grinning and ask Hana "Is Tae dating any one?"

She replies "Not that I know of. Oppa doesn't really tell me much about the guys. But I don't think so."

She looks at you then grins "Wait, you still have a crush on him?"

You smile and nod "You know I do silly. The first time we met was right before their debut and with just one smile from him, my heart fell."

Hana laughs and locks arms with you as you walk, "Yeah, he is a cutie. I was glad you could come with me that day."

"He was very nice. He made me laugh almost like he knew how shy I was and he was trying to make me feel more comfortable around them. Sometimes I think they were just being nice because I was your bff and you're Namjoon's sister."

Hana shakes her head, "No they genuinely liked you, especially Tae. Of course they are nice to everyone but they acted differently around you."

You laugh "Yeah because I'm the friend of Namjoon's sister."

She swats you on the shoulder "That's not why they were nice to you silly."

Thinking of Taehyung you frown a little, "I doubt he thought much of me after I spilled kimchi in his lap. I was so embarrassed to talk to him, let a lone look at him after that."

Hana says "I don't know why, it was just an accident. He wasn't mad at you."

Surprised you say "He wasn't mad?"

She grins "Well he wasn't mad at you, but he was upset that his favorite slacks had gotten ruined."

You blush "Oh no."

Grinning Hana says "Oppa said he wasn't angry at you. They joked about it for days, picking on him. Teasing him that he can't catch a girl but he can catch her kimchi." she giggles then adds "On his lap."

You blush covering your face with your hands "Ah I'm so embarrassed."

Hana pulls your hands away "Stop. It's ok." She smile brightly "Besides no one should be upset when they get to go shopping."

You look at Hana "What?"

She says "Oppa said he is giving me extra spending money for us both and he said to have a good time shopping."

"You have the most awesome brother."

She smiles mischievously and says "I think our first stop will be Gucci. You can pick out something Tae would like to see you in."

"I don't know Hana. Hey wait, you said something HE would like to see me in!? I think he would rather see me no where near him."

Security opens the door leading out to the suv waiting for you.

Hana says "Oh stop. It's ok, besides anything Gucci and he's in love."

She rolls her eyes placing her hands together on the side of her face as if in love. You both laugh as the driver of the suv holds the door open for you to get in to go to the shops.

Meanwhile as you were shopping together Taehyung has gone to Namjoon while they are taking a break from rehearsal.

Taehyung meets up with Namjoon, "Hyung, I saw Enna with Hana today and I almost didn't recognize her."

Namjoon says "Yes, she's changed a lot. Do you know the Ugly Duckling story?"

Taehyung nods and Namjoon says "It's like that was written about her."

Namjoon looks at Tae, smiles and says "I must admit she has grown up well and as beautiful as she has turned out, she is still such a sweet girl."

Tae says "I'll be honest with you, when I first met her I thought she was just someone hanging on to your sister to get to us till she accidentally dumped the kimchi in my lap. I don't think anyone wanting to get close to us would do that."

Namjoon laughs, "Oh yeah, the great kimchi incident, I remember. Poor little thing was so embarrassed."

Taehyung is silent for a few seconds thinking then he asks "So you like her?"

Namjoon knows Tae had a crush on you back then but he wasn't sure Tae still felt the same till now and says "As my little sister's friend, yes. Nothing more."

He grins at Tae and places a hand on his shoulder, "She's family to me."

Taehyung nods and has a far away look in his eyes then says "Is she seeing anyone?"

Namjoon softly laughs, "If she is I don't know about it. You should ask Hana." Namjoon pats his shoulder as they are called back to center stage.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now