What Did he . . .Do?

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Back at Namjoon's:

You hurry up to Hana's room and she is sitting in her favorite chair reading. You smile "You and your brother are the most ravenous readers."

Hana grins and lays her book down. She comes to you and takes your hands and leads you over to her bed and sits. "Tell me everything."

You laugh, "I will, but first what is going on? Are you ok now?"

She sighs, "I've had two seizures just this week. I plan on calling my doctor in the morning."

You tell her "You have been on the same med for awhile it may just need to be increased."

She says "That is what I'm hoping too. So tell me what did Tae say." 

She grins and raises her eyebrows up and down "What did he . . . DO?" and she laughs.

You blush, "He kissed me and it was more than I could've imagine it would be. He confessed and asked me to be his girlfriend."

She looks at you intently "And you said . . .?"

You get up and do a little waltz around the room lost in the thought of his kisses and then you stop in front of Hana and grin "I said yes!" She gets up and you waltz around the room laughing.

You tell her "I never thought my dreams of Tae and love would come true. I never thought any one would care for me like he does. I was always the ugly duckling, the odd one out. But now I feel like I could walk on air I'm so happy."

You both stop waltzing and Hana says "I knew you two belonged together." She hugs you and kisses your cheek.

You say "I'm just waiting on Jimin to confess to you!"

 You notice her smile leaves her face. Confused you ask "What is it? I thought you had a crush on him?"

Hana says "I don't want to talk about it tonight, can we just go to bed." She gets in bed and you tuck her in then go to the bathroom and shower.

You come out in your favorite pj's and check on Hana. She is sleeping soundly but you can tell she cried herself to sleep. You sigh and softly get in your bed hugging your extra pillow tight and drift off to sleep.

 This Ends Part 1 of Namjoon's  Little Sister: Will Jimin finally confess, will Hana? Can her secret be kept any longer. . . find out in Part 2.

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