So You Want To Date My Sister

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Later back at your brothers Jimin has taken him aside and quietly, as you and Enna are near by, asks, "Hyung can I talk to you, privately?"

Namjoon nods, "Sure, lets go out back."

Your brother turns to you and Enna, "We're going outside, we'll be back in a bit."

Smiling at him you say "Ok" and turn back to Enna as she answers texts from Tae.

You are grinning at Enna, Tae hasn't been gone five minutes before he is texting her that he's missing her. You sit with her on the couch laughing at how cute he is.

Outside Namjoon stops and turns to Jimin, "So, let me guess, you want to ask to date my little sister?"

Jimin chuckles, "Was I that obvious?"

Namjoon grins, "She's an adult, you should ask her. Besides, you know how I feel about that already."

He smiles and puts his hand on Jimin's shoulder, "Ask her."

Jimin smiles and hugs him, "Thank you, thank you." and with bubbling excitement he rushes back inside to find you. Namjoon follows at a slower pace smiling.

Jimin comes up to the couch standing in front of you and Enna. You both look up. He takes your hand, "Walk with me Princess."

Beaming with happiness you share a smile with Enna and rise to walk with him.

You pass your brother as he comes back in and he gives you a silly happy face.

You pass your brother as he comes back in and he gives you a silly happy face

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You smile back. Once outside Jimin walks you over to the yard swing, "I heard good things happen at this swing."

You both sit smiling. He pulls you close to him, "I want to tell you something."

You look up at him waiting, your heart picking up speed and your breath is harder to draw in.

He looks down into your eyes, "I want to spend more time with you, a lot more time. More like girlfriend boyfriend time."

You start to blush and smile "I would like that."

He smiles back, " So will you be my girlfriend?"

Grinning with excitement you say "I thought you would never ask." and he pulls you in for a kiss as you wrap your arms around his neck.

Enna had hurried upstairs to look out the window to the backyard and smiles when she sees you kiss, "Finally!" she softly cheers as she heads back downstairs smiling.

As she enters the living room Namjoon looks up from his book, "So?"

Smiling with slight tears shimmering in her eyes she sits next to him, "She said yes! Now we can double date."

Siting there smiling lost in his thoughts she turns to Namjoon, "Oppa, I would suggest if you meet a girl you want as your girlfriend, just sit with her in the backyard swing."

His eyes widen and then suddenly they both burst out laughing. Just as quickly as he was laughing tears started to fall.

"What's wrong Oppa?"

Enna rests her hand on his shoulder comforting him. He looks at her and wipes the tears.

"My Mini Me, she, she's in love. My baby sister is all grown up."

Enna wipes a tear from his face, "She has been for several years now, but she will always be your Mini Me."

To put him in a happier mood she says, "If they get married we can get them bath towels with 'Mini Mochi' and 'Mini Me' embroidered on them."

Namjoon looks at her in shock, "Oh hell no Jimin would kill us!"

They both fall into each other laughing riotously.

Outside in the yard swing above you a shooting star speeds across the sky. Jimin looks adoringly into your eyes "I love you Aegiya."

You rest your head on his shoulder smiling, "I love you more Jimin."

Authors Note: A possible future series " Bangtan Sonyeondan and the Enchanted Swing" It seems when Namjoon bought his home the yard swing was already there. The swing had been enchanted generations ago. . .to help true lovers speak their hearts or to help expose fake love. Taehyung and Jimin spoke from their hearts but what will it be for the others? True love or fake love? Let me know if you would be interested. Please vote the chapters and comment about this story and or the possible future series "Bangtan Sonyeondan and The Enchanted Swing" a BTS OT7 series.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now