You Look Beautiful Tonight

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You and Hana are about to head to the living room when she looks at you in the mirror, "What are you smiling about? Let me guess, his name starts with a T?"

You chuckle "You know me too well Hana." and you both laugh as you leave the bathroom cutting off the light on your way out.

You and Hana come into the living room, those who arrived after you left to fix your hair and make up all stand and give little bows.

Hana smiles at them and asks "Where's Jimin and Kooki?"

You smile at Jin, J Hope and Yoongi and say a soft "Hello."

Just then there is a knock at the door. Hana goes to open it and there is Jimin and Jungkook, both holding a bouquet of flowers. They are jostling each other over who enters first.

Jimin gets pass Jungkook glaring at him and heads straight to you. He hands you the flowers and says "I'm here, we can go now." and places your arm through his.

As you place your hand on his arm you softly giggle as Jungkook takes your other arm and tries to hand you the flowers he brought. You don't have enough hands, you would have to let go of Jimin to takes Jungkook's flowers.

You look back and forth at them both and laugh as Hana comes and takes the flowers, "I'll just put these in water," seeing your distress she says "I will need your help."

Gratefully you pull your arms free and follow her into the kitchen.

Hana is giggling "Well, it seems you are the center of attention tonight."

You say "I don't want to be the center of attention. Can't I just stay here and tell them I have a headache or something?"

Hana frowns at you, "Of course not. Tonight should be very interesting, very interesting indeed." She smiles brightly looking forward to dinner tonight.

She hands you the vase with Jimin's flowers and she holds Jungkook's. "Come on let's put these in the living room and go out and have some fun."

You follow but are very doubtful it will be a fun night.

Back in the living room everyone is getting ready to head out to dinner. Namjoon helps Hana with her coat. Tae is just standing there holding your coat that Namjoon handed him. Namjoon looks at Tae, then the coat and back at Tae.

Suddenly Tae mouths a silent "Oh." and helps you put your coat on. "Thank you Tae."

Jin is the one driving tonight. Unknown to the others Namjoon and Jin worked out a seating arrangement ahead of time.

While the others got in the suv, Namjoon stalled the girls while Jin distracted Taehyung. Once the other were in Namjoon helped Hana then you in. That left Taehyung to sit beside you.

Namjoon closed the door and got in the front. Him and Jin shared a quick grin. Hana smiles at her brother when he turns back to ask if everyone was ready.

A few minutes into the trip you were looking down at your hands in your lap when out of the corner of your eye you see Taehyung quickly look at you then gently slips his hand around yours.

He didn't say any thing, just smiled at you and sat there silently holding your hand.

You realize the seating was set up. You didn't mind because you liked Tae holding your hand. You smile the rest of the way to the restaurant.

Having arrived at the restaurant Tae lets go of your hand before the inside lights came on and you felt as if energy was pulled from your body with the loss of his touch. After he gets out he turned back to take your hand to help you step safely out of the suv.

As you step down it puts you close to him and he whispers, "You look beautiful tonight."

Then he took Hana's hand and helped her to step out safely as well.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now