Back Off Boys

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Your lack of confidence led you to believe that once again, as in the past, he was just being nice. But why would he hold your hand on the drive over? Confused you just stand there waiting for Hana. After he helped her out the rest followed.

Jimin and Jungkook quickly stood on each side of you walking into the restaurant. Still mulling over how confused you were over Taehyung you really didn't pay attention to Jimin and Jungkook.

You were hoping that by holding your hand Tae was letting you know he liked you too.

Hana could tell you were some where else tonight and comes and moves Jimin out of the way. She pulls you away from him and Jungkook.

With her arm wrapped through yours she whispers "What's the matter? Are you ok?"

Snapping out of your daydreaming you say "Nothing is the matter. Everything is fine."

It was then you noticed that Taehyung was walking with you and Hana. You smile to yourself and slightly blush.

Jimin and Jungkook are following closely behind you. J-Hope steps between them and puts a brotherly arm around each of their shoulders. "Back off boys, give her some space."

He grins at them both then steps in front of them putting him self between them and the girls.

Once inside they are shown into a private dinning area and as they gather around the table to sit Hana says "If you will excuse us, we'll be right back."

Taking your arm she leads you to the restroom.

The guys all sit themselves around the table not realizing they are being expertly maneuvered by Jin and Namjoon into position. But they can't out smart Yoongi, he grins knowing what they are doing.

As soon as you enter the ladies room and the door closes Hana asks "What is going on?" she laughs, "I think Jimin and Jungkook are going to end up fighting over you."

You look dreamingly at Hana and wistfully say "Tae held my hand on the drive over."

Hana is laughing because you didn't even hear what she was saying about Jimin and Jungkook, you were so lost in your thoughts of Taehyung. 

She asks "He what?" and then quickly hugs you. Smiling she says "Oh this is great. I knew he liked you."

You say "I don't know, I don't know but he even told me I was beautiful tonight."

Excited she says "Oh my god he did!? When?"

Smiling you tell her "He told me as he held my hand while helping me out of the suv."

Hana joyously says "Oh he does like you!"

You look at her with a slight frown "But he held your hand too when you went to step out."

She laughs, "He did but he didn't tell me I was beautiful." You both softly laugh.

Still confused over the whole thing with Tae you stare at yourself in the mirror. You're not use to guys wanting to be with you. Mostly they thought you were too smart for them or you were too shy and awkward.

Guys either made fun of you or teased you rather than want to date you. You think to your self 'could someone as handsome and sweet as Taehyung really like me?'

Hana takes your hand, "Stop daydreaming."

She laughs as you both return to the table. You notice that the only vacant chairs were on either side of Taehyung. One way or the other you would have to sit by him.

 Hana grins at you as she takes the chair between Taehyung and her brother leaving the only other vacant seat for you on the other side of Taehyung. 

You sit slightly blushing. You can feel the energy between you two and you become more nervous afraid you will do something like the Great Kimchi Incident again. You think 'Not tonight please, not tonight.'

 You glance at Taehyung and he is smiling at you.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now