My Mini Me

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You are enjoying each others company just hanging out when Hana gets a text from her brother.

Joon - Mini me you done shopping

Mini Me - yes. we're home. thank you so much for the spending spree

Joon - no problem

Mini Me - was there something you need

Joon - as a matter of fact there is

Mini Me - what is it

Joon - the guys and I are going out to eat tonight you two want to join us

Mini Me - really you want your little sister to tag along lol

Joon - they told me to ask you and Enna to come with us

Mini Me - that is so sweet of them

Joon - I couldn't talk them out of it

Mini Me - WHAT

Joon - LOL just kidding

Mini Me - you're so silly, I love you

Joon - love you too

Joon - dress up. The fellas want to go somewhere expensive

Mini Me - Good that gives us a chance to wear our new outfits!!

Joon - oh and tell her not to order any kimchi

Mini Me - oh you're so going to get it when you get home lol

Joon - lol they plan on meeting there so be ready by 8

Mini Me - ok, see you

Hana turns to you with a bright smile and claps her hands excitedly, "That was Oppa, we are going out tonight with the boys. They are taking us to dinner."

Surprised yet excited you say "What? They are taking us to dinner?"

Hana says "Yes, Oppa said they asked him if we'd go out with them tonight. Can you imagine?"

Your smile suddenly fades to a frown, "Oh my, I don't know if I want to go."

She looks shocked "What?! Why not?"

You sit down blushing, "You remember what happened the last time we all went out to eat."

Hana sits by you and puts an arm around your shoulders, "That was years ago." She gives you a hug, "That was an accident. How many times must I remind you silly?"

You sigh and say "I know but it's still embarrassing."

She sighs back at you "I know it was embarrassing for you because you had a crush on him. Just don't order kimchi." You both start to laugh.

She stands up and says "Come on we need to get ready they will be here in a couple of hours."

She pulls you up and says "I will go use Jooni's shower and you can use mine. Then we can both do our hair in my bathroom."

You know that Hana understands that the only reason that day is still so excruciatingly embarrassing for you is because you had fallen for Taehyung back then. You fell hard.

You both are ready for the evening and singing karaoke in the living room waiting for Namjoon to come home. You both turn to the door as it opens to greet him and he says "Hi, I see you both are ready."

Smiling at Namjoon Hana says "Yes we are."

Then you notice that Namjoon is not alone as Taehyung entered right behind him.

"Hi guys" he says in his velvety voice. Hana goes up to Tae and gives him a sisterly hug while you stand there trying not to ring your hands, letting your nervousness get the better of you.

You shyly say "Hi Taehyung."

He looks at you and smiles "Hey beautiful."

You can feel your face blush and you look any where but at him.

Tae pulls his phone out of his pocket, "Jimin and Jungkook are Jimin' and will be here shortly." Everyone laughs but you. You look around wondering what they are talking about.

Namjoon sees your bewildered look and starts to explain, "Jimin is usually late so we started saying to the others who are late for things that they are 'Jimin' today."

You cover your mouth with you hand to stifle a laugh.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now