You Love Me?

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Considering what you and Namjoon said she nods her head deep in thought. Worried because you have seen that look before on her face, you ask, "What's going through your mind Enna. I hope it isn't what I think it is."

Enna looks sorrowfully at you and then up at Namjoon.

He looks at his phone again and puts it down giving you a look, then he says to Enna, "We have worked hard trying to get you two together. I know what you are thinking too. Don't do it."

Enna looks at you both unsure she lowers her head for a few minutes. You touch her face gently, "Enna what are you thinking?"

"I understand what you both are trying to tell me. I will try to remember your advice but I can't let Tae get hurt. I love him too much. I wonder if it would be best if I break up with him, If I leave him alone they will too."

You warn her, "No, they will not. They will . . ."

A velvety voice interrupts, "You love me?"

They turn to see Tae smiling his boxy smile at Enna.

Taehyung says to Enna, "It would not be best if you broke up with me, my heart couldn't take it. It would be best if we remain together. We are stronger together."

He takes Enna's hand in his and raises it to his lips and kisses softly, "I love you too."

You and your brother share a smile.

Namjoon looks at Taehyung and then Enna, "It has worked for us through the years. Besides haters are gonna hate and we are and have always been stronger together."

Tae nods in agreement with Namjoon. "He's right Enna. We have faced a lot of hate but we made it this far because we stayed together and we have a truly loyal ARMY standing behind us supporting us every step of the way."

Enna smiles at Tae as he takes her in his arms and holds her close. You and Namjoon leave the room to give them some bit of privacy though staff is still around.

Tae is smiling at Enna as he holds her in his arms. "You love me, I have died and gone to heaven with an angel."

She shyly looks up at him "Yes, I love you. I have loved you for a long time but thought after the kimchi incident I would never have your love in return."

He softly laughs, "Ah yes, the great kimchi incident. The day I started falling in love with you."

Surprised she stares at him, "What?"

He grins, "Yes that was the day, and I went to Hyung and Hana to help me spend more time with you."

Looking confused not believing someone wouldn't want to spend time with him he asks "Why did you always have an excuse?"

Enna blushes profusely "I didn't know till later, that it was you trying to be with me, I thought it was just Hana and her brother trying to play matchmaker. Who would want to be with a clumsy scrawny ugly duckling with braces like me? Especially after dumping kimchi in their lap."

Tae kisses her cheek, "You were beautiful to me then and you are even more beautiful to me now."

He softly laughs, "You know the guys still tease me about that day?"

She frowns, "Why?"

He says, "Because they knew how I felt about you."

Still frowning she says "How you felt about me?"

He gently caresses her cheek, "I was drawn to you, your laughter your smile and the cute why you blushed when the kimchi fell in my lap."

She covers her face with her hands, "Oh I was so embarrassed."

He laughs and pulls her close, "Don't be, you are so adorable when you blush."

She couldn't help it she starts to blush and his smile couldn't be more beautiful.

 She tip toes up and kisses him. He pulls her tightly against him returning the kiss.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now