Best Brother Ever!

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Namjoon made sure you and Enna ate a good meal while the group started rehearsing and then surprised you both with tickets for front row seats at the music awards show later that night. 

You both are so excited to be up front. You had the best brother in the whole world and Enna thought so too!

Most groups and companies were aware of the request to avoid the use of certain light patterns and such for the safety of their fans without diminishing the excitement of the stage performance. 

But a fairly new company that was debuting their first group wasn't aware and had production set things up as their group had been practicing for their debut at tonight's award show.

Since the girls were out having dinner thanks to Namjoon, they were not there to be see the new groups set up. Namjoon and the guys were busy rehearsing backstage they didn't get to observe the newest debut group do their stage rehearsal.

During Namjoon and the guys turn at stage rehearsal everything went fine, lights, smoke, sparks all the things usually at a concert. Except tonight would turn out different and they weren't aware of what was to happen.

Namjoon had security walk you and Enna to your seats after you came back from dinner. You both were excited for the show to begin and sit excitedly talking. 

During one of the new groups debuting performance they had quick flashing images behind them on the large LED screen. Since not all flicking or flashing patterns can trigger a seizure Enna wasn't aware this pattern would affect you, neither did you.

You and Enna are smiling and singing along. Excited you looked at Enna, "I really like this group, a lot."

Enna starts to laugh and you say, "Just don't tell Jooni."

Enna and you are laughing together when she suddenly notice you go very quite with a look of panic on your face. You both know what is about to happen but now its too late to get you somewhere else.

Enna grabs you and says "Hana, Hana? Hana!"

Enna looks around and no one seems to notice as they're all eyes on the stage performance. She looks back at you and noticed your left hand is pulled up under your chin picking at your collar as your head turns left and you stare up at the ceiling.

Enna tried to yell for security that was near the stage but with all the noise they didn't hear her. Back stage in the waiting room the boys were chatting and warming up since they were next to go on.

As usual the show is on the big screen in the waiting room for others to watch the show while waiting for their turn. There was a pan of the audience just as Namjoon looked up at the screen.

He suddenly shouts, "OH My God!"

In a panic he runs from the room. The others shocked, looked at the screen but the camera has moved on. They don't know what he saw that made him run out.

They run out following Namjoon not sure what upset him so. They follow till they reach the edge of the stage and see Namjoon jump down. It was then that security noticed the commotion and rushed over to surround Namjoon, Enna and you.

The shows manager made the others stay behind the curtains edge and not out with Namjoon. "You can't go out there, it will cause chaos!"

Some of the fans close enough shouted with excitement to see Namjoon jump off the stage to hold a girl in his arms. Others not so close were still cheering and singing with the group on stage. The boys see Namjoon lift the girl and realize it was you he was carrying to the entrance door of the stage.

They ran down to meet him there. Enna followed right behind Namjoon with tears on her face, "I'm so sorry Oppa."

He says "It's ok Enna. Don't worry. I should have made sure what kinds of effects were being used by the new performers tonight. It's my fault. I didn't check."

He lays you down on a stretcher that medical kept at the shows for faints and such. The members have gathered around you with concern on their faces. A medic was checking you when you start to come out of the seizure and you are focusing on what's around you.

You gently smile up at your brother who is holding your hand hoping your smile will relieve the anguish you see on his face, that you are ok. Then you notice the others standing around you. You want to just disappear.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now