Easily Embarrassed

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You follow them into the living room to sit and wait for the others. Namjoon sees the karaoke machine is on.

"We heard you two singing before we came in. You sounded great."

Hana smiles at her brother and you blush. You only ever sang when it was just you and Hana or when her brother would hang out with you.

Namjoon looks at Taehyung "Enna has a sweet sultry voice and with your velvety smooth voice I think you two would match perfectly in a duet."

You are blushing. Your face feels so hot. "Stop Oppa. You're embarrassing me."

He pats your hand and says "I'm not trying to embarrass you. Just letting him know you have a beautiful voice that would go well with his."

"You know I get embarrassed easily" you laugh and smile at him and he smiles back.

Hana takes your hand in hers and says "Let's go and touch up our make-up and hair. Maybe the others will be here by the time we are done."

Relieved to be leaving the room you go with her.

Meanwhile Namjoon sees that Tae is staring down the hallway where you two had just gone. Namjoon laughs and it gets Tae's attention.

He turns to Namjoon "What is it? What's so funny?"

Namjoon says "I have asked you twice if Jimin said why they are going to be late?"

Tae is slightly embarrassed that he was caught daydreaming. "Oh, um Jungkook couldn't decide which pants to wear and he wouldn't listen to Jimin's suggestion."

Namjoon rolls his eyes, "That is too funny. I think he his trying to impress Enna and I wouldn't be surprised if Jimin isn't trying to sabotage him."

He laughs and says "I think they both want to ask her out."

Tae looks sad then says "Oh."

He glances down the hall again. There is a knock at the door and Namjoon goes to open it. Jin, J-Hope and Yoongi enter and they exchange greetings.

Jin asks "Are we ready? I'm hungry."

J Hope looks around the room and asks "Where's your mini me?"

Laughing Namjoon says "Hana and Enna are touching up their make up and hair."

Yoongi says "She sure has grown up nicely. I saw her with Hana earlier today. She has filled out in all the right places." He grins.

Namjoon snorts a short laugh "You want to ask her out too?"

Yoongi makes a mock disgusted face "My gud no. I was just saying how beautiful she's grown up. But she is too shy and bashful a girl for me. Besides I think the Maknae line will be vying for her attention. I'm too old for that."

He laughs and Jin says "You're never too old to make a fool of yourself over a girl."

He does his windshield wiper laugh and Yoongi just says "Ugh" as he goes and sits by Taehyung.

When you reach Hana's room she says "You need to relax. We are not teenagers anymore and you have come a long way from being that awkward shy girl."

She grins and rolls her eyes at you and adds "Well, you're still shy" she smiles at you "Don't be so nervous. Tae really likes you."

Rolling your eyes you tell her "Yeah right."

Hana says "I'm going to let you in on a secret."

You tilt your head questioningly at her "What secret?"

She smiles saying "Tae has been trying for a long time to get Jooni and I to get you two together. We have tried but you keep backing out."

You blush, "It was him all those times? I just thought it was you and Jooni trying to play match maker. I really didn't think Taehyung was interested in me."

Hans says "Oh yes, he is very interested."

You blush, "Now I'm going to be even more nervous tonight." She hugs you laughing and you start to laugh too.

She says, "It's Tae we are talking about and I bet he will be just as nervous as you if not more so."

You didn't know it was Tae who was encouraging all the invites to do things together through Hana and Namjoon. You thought it was just them.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now