They Know

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Enna has no way to hide this one from Jimin.

"Enna I think, I think, I think, I think." You stop trying to talk and stare off your hand picking at your dress.

Enna says "Oh shit!"

Jimin asks, "What's wrong? What's going on?"

Taehyung and Jimin both stand and watch Enna embrace you as the focal seizure starts. Jimin sits back down and takes you from her and into his arms.

He says, "It's ok, I have her."

A little surprised that he is not freaking out she lets him take you in his arms. Noticing her questioning look he says "I have a cousin who has seizures. The best thing to do is make sure they are safe and wait it out with them."

Enna tell him "If the seizure lasts longer than a couple of minutes we call for medical help."

Tae a little un-nerved by the seizure says "We didn't know she had seizures."

Enna explains, "She begged Namjoon and me to keep it secret. She was afraid of what would happen if people found out."

She looks at Jimin and softly says, "She was afraid you wouldn't want to be with someone with her disability."

Jimin surprised by Enna's confession says, "I don't see her having seizures as a reason to not want to be with her."

Just then the others reach them as you're coming around but still in what feels like brain fog. You look at who is holding you and smile, warmth of being held by Jimin seeps through your body and you relax against him.

He glances down and kisses the top of your head.

Trying to act nonchalant Namjoon says, "oh did she faint again?"

Enna says, "They know Oppa."

He breaths a big sigh of relief, "Finally. I'm glad they know. She didn't want Jimin to find out because she was embarrassed."

Jimin says, "There's nothing for her to be embarrassed about."

You softly say, "Thank you Jimin."

He looks at Namjoon "Can you tell us how this happened? We never witnessed this before."

Your brother looks at you for approval and you nod.

Namjoon sits down and explained about the accident at the airport.

Tae says, "Is that what happened at the show, a seizure?"

Namjoon replies, "Yes, but she didn't want me to let you know. She was embarrassed to tell you."

You blush and Jimin places his fingers gently under your chin to lift your face to his, "Never be embarrassed. Now that we all know we can keep a better eye on you."

They are all nodding and agreeing with Jimin that now that they know they will be more watchful.

You sigh flustered, "Please don't make a big deal of it. I'm use to it. There just had to be an adjustment to medication and my body reaching a steady level with it."

You look around at them hovering in front of you, "I don't want people fussing over me or babysitting me. I wont have it!"

Jimin grins, "I want to watch over you and I definitely want to keep a closer eye on you."

He winks as he grins at you. You shyly smile back.

Namjoon asks, "You ready to head home, the crew is waiting for us."

Jimin helps you to stand and puts his arm around your waist keeping you close to his side and Enna walks close to you on your other side holding your hand.

You try to pull away from Jimin "I'm better now. Thank you guys."

Grinning, Jimin pulls you back to his side, "Oh, no you don't. You stay right where I want you."

You blush and Enna giggles at you.

Taehyung seeing you are in good hands with Jimin takes a hold of Enna's hand and pulls her close to his side placing his arm around her waist. She smiles up at him and he kisses her smiling lips.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now