Hazzards Of Being An Idol

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The next day media headlines were full of stories and social media was running wild with rumors. The staff placed copies of many of the media stories out for the members to read so they would all be aware of what was going around.

You, your brother and Enna were reading some of them:

"A member of a popular idol group snatches girl from audience."-- 

"Kpop idol leaps off stage to claim his love!"-- 

"Idol attacks young woman for cheering for another group."-- 

"Popular rapper gets dragged off by police for assaulting a fan."-- 

"Namjoon saves the day as a hater attacks a fan of another group." --

"Idol leaps off stage to beat ex girlfriend for showing up."-- 

"Rapper Namjoon jumps off stage to take his girlfriend in his arms and carry her off."-- 

"Leader of a famous kpop group jumps from the stage to punch pregnant ex girlfriend!!"

Enna slams the papers down, "Dammit!! Why don't they leave people alone!?" You and Namjoon both lay down your phones.

You tell her, "Some are a lot worse than these Enna. They will write whatever they think will get them the most views or make them the most money."

Enna responds, "Oh My God really?!"

Your phone goes off again and you pick it up and swipe the screen then put it back down.

Namjoon says, "Well, I kind of like the story where I leap off the stage to claim my love and the one where they make me out to be a hero." That breaks the tension and they laugh.

Namjoon says, "Enna don't get upset. We're use to it. It's a hazard of being an idol."

You reach out to hold her hand, "That's true. Even us siblings of idols get hate press. I have been called Jin's secret lover and that I'm not Jooni's sister but his adulterous wife."

You make a face at your brother, "Like any girl would want Jooni as a husband."

His phone buzzes and he looks at it and silences it as you tease him. He reaches over and gently gives your hair a tug.

"Owe!" you laugh because he didn't really hurt you, he never would.

Thinking about what she just read Enna says, "I had no idea it was that bad."

Her face shows her worry. You're about to speak when your phone vibrates again and once again you swipe the screen and put it back down this time with a small eye roll and a sigh.

Looking up at Enna you tell her, "You learn to ignore it, sometimes it hurts but you have to understand they don't really know you. They are just seeking attention." You give her hand a little squeeze of reassurance.

To help break the tension Enna seems to be feeling, Namjoon jokingly says, "You know I'm married to my books."

He picks up his current book gently caresses' the cover and kisses it. "Ah the love of my life, my book, I adore you."

He hugs his book and you and Enna burst out laughing.

A little more seriously Namjoon says, "We just want you to be prepared Enna. Because once it is out that you and Tae are together the haters will come after you too."

She can't believe it. Frowning she asks "What!?"

You confirm what your brother said, "Sadly that is the case. There will be all kinds of hate towards you and Tae."

Enna suddenly goes pale and you jump to her side wrapping your arm around her shoulder and having her sit down on the couch.

Namjoon says, "We didn't mean to scare you but we want you to be aware. So nothing catches you off guard. The haters will try to break you two up by spreading rumors about each of you. Trying to tear you apart."

As you sit with your arm comforting Enna you tell her, "It will be a lot of he said, he did and she said, she did. En, the storm will pass. You just have to trust what you know. Don't read anything into rumors, especially from the haters and rumor spreaders."

She looks up at her brother for confirmation, "Besides, we know Tae's in love with you."

He smiles and nods, "Yes he is."

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now