Don't Let Them Know

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Hana's seizure had ended and she looks at her brother, "I'm so tired, can you tuck me in?"

Namjoon lifts his sister and carries her to her room. He sits her on the side of her bed, "Do you need anything else? Do you feel this one is done?"

She half smiles "Yes, its done just the brain fog now."

She starts to get up and he helps her to stand and she slips off his robe. She starts to walk away from him.

"Where are you going Hana?" he steps close and holds her arm.

She looks up at him laughs and says "I have to pee."

He blushes "Oh, um right. I will be right here if you need me." she enters the bathroom and turns to him "I'm good now."

She pauses for a few seconds "That's two this week Oppa, I think I need to call my neurologist tomorrow."

He nods in agreement and as she closes the door she says, "Let Enna know will you?"

He nods and he heads back to the living room.

He peeks outside and sees Tae and Enna still sitting in the backyard swing. He smiles and goes to the couch and sits. He gives one last look at the back door then goes back to reading.

His worry over Hana keeps him distracted, he has read the same paragraph three times now.

His mind wonders back to the day Hana was hurt. The seizures all started not long after the injury she had eighteen months ago. They were at the airport and a sasaeng that broke through security ran up to him.

 In her excitement of recognizing Namjoon she rushed to him wanting to take a selfie. She pushed Hana away from him thinking she was just another fan, accidentally knocking her down the escalator.

Enna knew about her seizures and spent as much time as she could with Hana at the beginning. That was why everywhere Hana lived there were always two beds in her room.

Namjoon always felt Hana was safe when she was with her. She knew what to do. Her older brother had seizures much like Hana's.

She helped Hana to adjust and helped Namjoon to not freak out when one happened. Enna's brother even let them spend time with him to help them understand that even with the diagnosis of Local/ Focal Seizure disorder Hana could still lead a happy fulfilled life. Namjoon is grateful to her and her brother.

Hana was embarrassed by the seizures because it made her look funny and people would laugh at her that didn't know what was going on. So she made Namjoon pinky swear to never tell the guys, especially Jimin as she was afraid he might not want to be around her any more.

With medication Hana's seizures were well controlled, they rarely happened any more. But this week she had two. She and Namjoon are both beginning to think she may need a change in medication.

He did everything he could to keep the promise he made to his sister about keeping her secret. He told her he would keep it from the others but that his manager, body guard along with the medical staff that worked with the company should know.

Hana had agreed, because her main concern was losing Jimin.

As Hana comes out of the bathroom she is glad that you're here, she is less afraid. Hana goes to peek out her bedroom window and she doesn't see you or Tae outside.

She decides to wait for you to come up so you can have some girl talk. She is dying to know what Tae wanted to talk to you about, but she has a pretty good idea.

In the living room Tae and you have come back inside, holding hands and smiling at each other. Namjoon looks up from his book and when Tae turns to close the back door he gives you a quick familiar look to let you know Hana has had a seizure.

You give Namjoon a nod that you understood and when Tae turned back around you smiled sweetly up at him "Thank you Tae for such a beautiful night."

You hold his hands in yours receiving his sweet boxy smile as he looks in your eyes. He turns to Namjoon still smiling "I confessed tonight."

 His smile widens "We are officially in a relationship." He pulls you to him and kisses you.

Namjoon sits his book down and hugs you both, "I'm so happy for you both. It is about time." He laughs and you do too.

When he hugs you he says "Hana is waiting up for you."

You yawn and give Tae a kiss on his cheek, "Good night Tae."

He says "Good night beautiful. I will call you tomorrow."

You smile at him as you start to leave he still has a hold of one of your hands and as you move away he slowly lets it slips from his not wanting to let you go.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now