You Need Kissing

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You look up at him and he is staring at you. His eyes drop to your lips. He leans in and gives you a quick warm kiss on the lips.

You gasp, "What was that for?"

He smiles "Because you needed kissing and I have wanted to kiss you. I want to be the one, the only one, that does."

Taehyung looks deeply into your eyes and is having trouble breathing, "You take my breath away."

Before you can say any thing he says "Look up at the stars."

Your heart is beating rapidly in your chest and you can hardly catch your breath, is he feeling the same for you as you do for him?

You both look up and he says "There are thousands upon thousands of stars up there and you and I found each other. What are the odds of us two being here tonight each with pictures of the other in our phone that we have been carrying for years?"

He softly places his hands on each side of your face and leans closer "Like the moon and the stars belong together, I think you and I belong together." He gently kisses you.

You melt into his kiss but he pulls away and looks intently into your eyes "Enna will you be my girlfriend and remain the keeper of my heart?"

You look at him confused, "Remain the keeper of your heart?" You didn't know it was yours.

He smiles and says, "You have had my heart since I met you. Will you keep my heart and be my girlfriend?"

You had dreamed of and wanted this since you met him. Your heart soars at the thrill that your dream is coming true.

You nod and whisper a soft "Yes."

He kisses you as he pulls you into his arms. You melt into his kiss and he deepens it holding you tighter.

Hana smiles from her bedroom window which over looks the back yard. She says out loud "Finally!"

She is still smiling as she slides her feet into her Koya slippers. She heads to her brothers room, she knows he is still up because Taehyung is still here.

He is not in his room so she grabs his robe putting it on and heads to the living room. He is sitting on the couch reading.

She quietly sits down beside him. He says "Mini me, I thought you went to bed."

She laughs "Not with her out there . . . alone . . . with Tae."

He smiles his dimple smile and says "Gotcha. So how do you think it's going?" He glances over towards the back door.

She smiles and snuggles up to her brother resting her head on his chest peeking at his book she says, "He kissed her."

Happy about you and Tae she looks up at her brother and he says "About time."

They both laugh as he pulls her into a hug and gives her a kiss on the top of her head.

She starts to say something else when all he hears is "Joo, joo, joo, joo" as she was trying to say his name. He realizes her hand is picking at the robes lapel and her eyes are staring blankly.

Namjoon pulls her closer in his arms as they wait out her seizure together. This is the second time this week and he is very concerned.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now