He's In Love With You

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At the theme park the members and your brother are getting make up and hair done while you and Enna chat with some of the crew. While the boys are out having their photos taken you and Enna walk with the crew to each new location of the park where they are shooting next.

You, Enna and a lot of the crew are friends and you both help them carry things and set up. Just the non technical things, like chairs, small fans, tripods and stuff like that. 

Though you know your way around Namjoon's producing and recording equipment as much as he does, they wont let you handle any of that equipment.

One of the crew jokingly explained, "We don't know if breaking things is inherited or not."

You can't help but laugh. Poor Jooni, you love your Oppa so very much but, yeah. Best not to take any chances with the company's expensive equipment.

The company's managers, security and certain staff know about your seizure disorder and know what to do. You and Enna walk arm in arm watching the antics of the boys between shoots. Jimin steals a look at you every chance he gets. His smile becoming brighter when you smile back at him.

The boys are grouping up for a photo and getting settled in their poses when you look at Enna and grin mischievously, she grins back.

Right before the photographer started shooting pictures you and Enna both stick your tongues out at Jimin and Taehyung making faces at them. They quickly stick out their tongues and make faces back at you two.

 The photographer was laughing but the other members were teasingly chastising Jimin and Taehyung for ruining the photo shoot

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The photographer was laughing but the other members were teasingly chastising Jimin and Taehyung for ruining the photo shoot. Now they have to do it again.

Enna leans close to you and whispers "I think he's in love with you."

You push her away laughing "Oh stop."

You both are laughing when one of the crew comes over and leads you both to chairs under the shade of a canopy where the monitors are.

"You ladies want any water?"

You both say "Yes." and next thing you know there is Jimin walking towards you with cold bottles of water. He hands one to each of you, Enna first. Then he hands one to you letting his fingers glide across yours as he slowly moves his hand away.

"We can get on some of the rides later if you girls want to join us and some of the food vendors will be open for us."

You laugh at such absurdity of him thinking there was the possibility that you two wouldn't go. "Are you crazy? Of course we're going Jimin."

You look at Enna and she is nodding in very happy agreement. "See, even Enna wants to go."

Jimin smiles broadly as Taehyung comes up and put his hand on Jimin's shoulder, "You hogging the girls for yourself?" Tae smiles at Enna who blushes and smiles back.

Jimin says, "I only want to hog one for myself, the other is yours."

Taehyung grins, "That's right and don't you forget it." He laughs and leans down to kiss Enna on the cheek.

Jimin and Taehyung are called back in front of the camera and take their leave of the girls. Namjoon walks up and kneels before you and takes your hand in his, "You doing ok today Mini Me?"

You roll your eyes, "I wish everyone would stop asking me that." You laugh, "I'm fine really. I'm fine."

They call for Namjoon to come back for the set up. He looks over their way and holds up his hand and index finger motioning just one moment.

Enna says, "Thank you for letting us be able to come with you today. We are having so much fun."

Namjoon kisses Enna on the cheek, "You are welcome. I'm glad you two are having fun. It won't be much longer before our schedules become so busy we may only see you as we pass by to the next event."

They call for him again as you hold his hand, "It's ok Oppa. We both understand. It's not like this coming tour will be our first. We will get to see you whenever you can squeeze us in."

Production calls for Namjoon and the others are loudly telling him to hurry up. The sooner they get done the sooner they can ride the rides. He gives your shoulder a brotherly pat and heads back to the others. 

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now