Way To Go Bunny!

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Later that night they left the restaurant as they arrived same seating as before but Jimin and Jungkook tried, to no avail, to sit beside you.

 They quietly bickered at each other in the very back row of seats.

Yoongi said "Will you please just STOP already, UGH!"

Hana can be heard trying to stifle a giggle.

On the way home Hana notices as they pass under street lights that Tae is once again holding your hand and you were staring straight ahead. Nudging you she gently looks at you and whispers "Relax."

She holds your hand and gives it a little squeeze before letting go. You end up smiling all the way back to Namjoon's.

Taehyung was softly humming a melody, one you knew sounded familiar but couldn't place it. You relaxed, tuned into his humming.  You are thinking over how well things went at dinner. Taehyung softly speaking to you and making you giggle and feel comfortable.

Without knowing it they pulled outside Namjoon's home and Hana giggles and nudges you.

You suddenly realized you had been humming right along with Taehyung. Embarrassed you quickly tried to stand up to get out and lost your balance. You ended up falling on Taehyungs lap. Everyone starts to laugh but you and Tae.

With his evil bunny smile Jungkook jokes, "That's a better catch than kimchi."

So embarrassed you stumble in your haste to get out of the suv and almost fall as you rush to the front door waiting for Namjoon to open it.

As soon as he does you rush past him straight up to Hana's room. You close the door and wipe tears from your eyes as you head to the bathroom.

Taehyung glares back at Jungkook, "Way to go little bunny!" and storms off with Hana rushing to follow him to the house.

Jungkook says "What did I do to piss him off?"

J Hope rolls his eyes, "By bringing up the kimchi incident you upset Tae, by embarrassing her. That's what you did."

The others try to suppress laughter over the kimchi incident but end up losing. Jin says "That was so funny. I can't believe we still laugh over that."

J Hope says "We have to remember it's probably not funny but only embarrassing to her."

Yoongi says. "Kook she was so shy back then. It's probably a memory she wishes she could forget. Besides she had a crush on Tae and that probably made her embarrassment even worse."

Jin says "I think we should avoid . . ." he says with great emphasis, ". . . 'The Great Kimchi Incident' topic while she is here."

They start laughing again and J Hope swats Jin on the shoulder.

Jin says "Hey stob it!"

Jungkook is feeling bad. He was only joking. "I didn't mean to hurt her or upset Tae hyung."

J Hope puts his arm around his shoulders, "We know Kooki, we know." and with that the rest of them enter the house.

Hana has come into the room and hears the water running in the bathroom. She opens the door and sees you washing your face.

"You ok? Don't tell me you're fine. I can tell you've been crying."

She hands you a towel to dry your face. You say "I'm fine, just so embarrassed. I mean I landed on his lap. Could I have embarrassed myself any more than that tonight!?"

She starts to grin and says "You could have landed with your face in his lap instead."

You glare at Hana and throw the towel at her as you leave the bathroom. She washes her face and comes out. She sits beside you on the bed and you put your phone down and look at her.

She places a hand on yours and says "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I had hoped it would make you laugh instead. But hey, look on the bright side, there was no kimchi tonight."

You lean away as you give her a little playful shove. She almost rolls of the bed and you both giggle. As she sits back up she noticed your text screen is still open.

She goes to pick up your phone and you grab it quickly and close the screen. She grins "Oh keeping secrets from your bestie?"

You say "No." as you hold your phone close.

She keeps looking at your phone then when you say noting else she finally asks "So who was it?"

You sigh, "It was a text from Tae."

She leans closer to you "SOOOoooo what did he say?"

You laugh, "I don't know yet, you came out before I could read it."

Hana smiles mischievously, "Lets see what he said."

You swipe the screen and there is the text from Taehyung.

Taehyung - Sorry about what happened

Taehyung - I'm not sure who was blushing more me or you

Taehyung - you there?

Taehyung - *sigh* I hope you get this before I leave tonight I would like to talk to you

Taehyung - maybe sit with me in the backyard swing and star gaze with me?

Taehyung - if you get this and you want to I'll be outside at 11 waiting for you 

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now