The Ugly Duckling

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As they reached center stage and get in formation for practice Namjoon says to Tae "If you do want to know her better let me give you a little piece of advice. Don't get her angry."

He pauses to laugh then says "I have seen her fly into a red rage that would make Jimin proud."

Over hearing this comment Jimin says "What?"

Namjoon turns to Jimin, "Nothing just talking about Hana's bestie."

Jimin says "We saw her here today, she has really grown up. I almost didn't recognize her."

Namjoon says "When last you guys saw her she still had braces on her bunny teeth. She was the ugly duckling that became a beautiful swan."

Jungkook suddenly turns his head at the words bunny teeth. "Hey, you guys talking about my cute bunny smile?" and he smiles at them then turns the look into the evil bunny.

They laugh at him and he says "You guys talking about Enna? Jimin and I saw her today with Hana."

Jimin says, "I was just telling him about that."

Jungkook says "I can't believe she is the same girl that spilled kimchi in Tae's lap." They all laugh even Taehyung.

Jungkook asks, "Is she seeing any one?"

Tae looks at Jungkook and starts to speak when Jimin asks "Is she?"

Namjoon says "Not that I know of." The director calls for them to start another set.

Namjoon is thinking about his steps. Jimin is thinking about talking to Hana. Jungkook is thinking he needs to find time to talk to you without others around.

Tae grimaces and recalls the kimchi incident and how it ruined one of his favorite slacks but it was worth the loss to see your pretty blush. 

They had all matured over the years since debut and you did too, in a most lovely way. . . . to perfection Taehyung thought to himself.

Back at Namjoon's:

After shopping all day you both enter Hana's room and begin setting down the various store bags.

Hana goes to her mini fridge and gets two sodas. You both plop down on the edge of the bed.

You say "Ahh this is good, just what I needed."

Hana smiles "Yes, shopping is such hard work."

You both fall back on the bed laughing not spilling a drop of your sodas.

You both lay there side by side for several minutes. Hana is thinking about Jimin and how her heart rate jumped when he smiled at her today.

You are thinking about Taehyung and wonder how different things would be if there was no kimchi incident.

Hana is wondering what it would feel like to kiss Jimin and you are wondering what it would feel like to kiss Taehyung. You both suddenly sigh and sit up looking at each other then burst out laughing.

Hana says "Try on that new skirt and sweater set you got. I know it's not Gucci but it was beautiful! I want to see it again."

You try your new clothes on and Hana is snapping pics with her phone. You both pretend like you are doing a photo shoot and you do a fashion model spin. You didn't know that Hana was planning on sending the best one to Taehyung.

You laugh at Hana "Your turn."

She models her new clothes and you take pics. Then share the pics with each other laughing at your silliness.

You tell Hana, "You should model at Paris Fashion week for me. I need a few more models."

She laughs, "I'll think about it."

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now