Let Me Go Jimin!

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Once out of the room you and your brother head for his studio. You look up at him, "Oppa? Jimin has been calling and texting me like crazy."

He softly laughs, "He has been doing the same to me too. He is worried about you."

He puts his arm around your shoulder, "You need to call him back."

You say, "I know. I will."

You tip toe up to give your brother a kiss before heading home. You look back at him smiling "I'm sure Tae will be bringing Enna home?"

He says, "I'm sure he will, at least sometime today." He softly chuckles. "He does have the day off so don't expect her back any time soon." You laugh as you wave goodbye to your brother.

You were in for a big surprise when you reached home. There was Jimin waiting for you. You open the door and enter, he follows behind you.

You quietly sigh, "Hi Jimin."

He briefly smiles, "Hi lovely. Why haven't you answered your phone? I was worried sick about you."

You put your things down on the counter and go to the kitchen to get you both something to drink.

He follows you, "Hana, answer me." He takes you by the arm and turns you towards him.

"Jimin let me go." You pull your arms free and hand him a drink. He follows you into the living room and you both sit on the couch.

Jimin slightly frowns at you for not answering him, "Hana?"

You sigh, "Yes Jimin, I know you kept calling and texting and calling but Jooni and I were busy. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't answer you at the time and neither could Oppa."

He reaches for your hand, "When I wasn't getting any replies I got even more worried."

Remorseful you look at Jimin, "I'm so sorry we worried you so. Everything is fine and I'm doing well."

He settles back more relaxed knowing you're ok, but he still asks, "What happened? You're not a fainter."

You stammer, not sure whether to tell Jimin or not. None of the other members know. "I, I guess I reacted just like a fan girl and got too excited like the medic said. It did get very hot that night."

Jimin can tell you're hiding something but he let's it go. Changing the subject he asks, "Do you feel up to going out for lunch today?"

Smiling at him you nod, "Where do you want to go? I'm starving."

He laughs "Now that's more like you."

You go out for lunch and have a fun time. It seems more and more it is all tingles being with Jimin. You've had a crush on Jimin for so long and for Namjoon to mention in front of everyone that he wouldn't mind Jimin dating you, causes you to be shy around Jimin. Your brother didn't know you were secretly crushing on Jimin.

Jimin returns you home and as you enter there are your brother and the others sitting in the living room. Enna and Tae are sitting together holding hands.

Tae says, "Hi guys." Everyone else says hello and you and Jimin greet them back.

You see Enna staring at you grinning and suddenly you realize that Jimin was holding your hand. You feel your cheeks heat up with a blush and Enna softly smiles at you. You let go of his hand and he quickly glances at you with a slight frown.

Namjoon smiles and stands, "We are going to the theme park today. You two up for it?"

Excited you almost break out in dance, "Oh Yes! I haven't been in years. I would love to go."

Jin says "The only down side is the company has us there for a video and a photo shoot. The park is closed for the day."

Your smile disappears and you look at your brother, "Oppa? Why would you say we could go if it's closed?"

Jungkook grinning says, "It's closed to everyone else but us."

Just like Jungkook you do small clapping with your hands close in front of you.

Jimin eyes light with excitement of going asks you "You feel up to a day at the theme park?"

You roll your eyes at him, "Yes, like I said earlier Jimin, I'm fine."

He looks at the others delighted, "Ok, let's go!"

Namjoon checks his phone, "Our ride is here, lets go."

Jungkook beats everyone out the door so excited to be going.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now