You Alright Mini Me?

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Namjoon is standing by the stretcher holding your hand.

The medic says, "It appears the young lady got over excited as most of them do and fainted."

Namjoon looks up at him to correct him when he felt you squeeze his hand. He looks down at you and you ever so slightly shake your head.

Namjoon nods at you in understanding and looks back up at the medic, "Yes, I'm sure that's it."

The medic says, "Best to get her away from the stage for a bit and let her recover."

Namjoon agrees and they help you off the stretcher and him and Enna walk you into the room the boys were waiting in.

The stage manager comes in, "You guys ready?"

They all look at Namjoon and he says "Yes. We're ready."

Surprised Jimin says, "What? We can't go out there with Hana like this. We need to take care of her."

Enna steps up to Jimin, "She'll be alright I will stay with her Oppa."

You look around the room still a little in a haze then turn towards your brother, "Jooni, I'm sorry."

He takes your hand and sits beside you on the small couch, "You're ok now Mini me?"

You look around for Enna and she leaves Jimin to come sit beside you too. You smile at her and tell your brother, "Yes, I'm good now. Just a little brain fogged but I feel it's over."

The stage manager calls, "Two minutes BTS."

Namjoon turns to him, "Yes, yes we'll be there."

You look at the members worried faces and give them all a weak smile, "I'm fine, Enna is here. I will be fine, now go do your jobs."

You are laughing as Enna smiles at them and says, "We've got this. You guys get your sexy selves out on that stage."

Before leaving Jimin hands you a bottle of water, "You sure you'll be alright?"

You look at him then the others, "Yes, yes, I'm fine now. Go, go."

They leave the room with Jimin being the last. Very concerned for you he really didn't want to go. Jin reaches out and takes his arm pulling him along.

Once they are gone you slump back on the couch with Enna sitting beside you leaning back as well.

"It's been a while since I last saw you have a seizure, are you ok?"

You sigh and tell her, "The week you came to stay with me, the night Tae kissed you . . ."

Enna interrupts you, "You saw him kiss me!?"

You smile, "Yes I did." 

You watch Enna blush and take her hand smiling, "It was so romantic Enna."

"Jooni and I are so happy for you and Tae."

Shocked Enna says, "Namjoon saw us kiss too!?"

You softly laugh, "He knows because I told him."

Blushing deeply Enna says "Oh, how embarrassing."

You laugh at her, you know she is thrilled being with Tae.

"I know you two tried your best to bring us together and I couldn't be happier now but what happened that night?"

You sit up straighter feeling more you self now, "I had a seizure that night. Oppa said it didn't last long but it worried us both since it had been so long since I had one."

"I should have been with you. I'm sorry for being so selfish and being out looking at the stars with Tae. I'm so sorry."

You tell her, "Stop Enna. It's not your fault. Oppa got me in to see my neurologist. I just needed an increase in my dosage."

Enna hugs you and says, "I'm glad it's better. It took so long for them to find the right combination and strength for my brother, but when they did he got his life back. He's even engaged now."

You smile at her, "Oh I'm so happy for him!"

As quickly as you smile it turned to a frown, "Did Jimin or the others see me having the seizure?" You can tell your face is starting to blush, you can feel the heat.

"No, I don't think so. I don't even know how Jooni knew. He suddenly leaped out off the stage and took you in his arms."

Enna laughs, "I can see social media now, "Namjoon jumps off stage to grab a fan and carry her off."

You laugh at her antics but with a more serious look on your face you say "They will eat him alive with all kinds of nasty rumors."

It hurts your heart, you know they are just haters hating but sometimes you have seen how it hurts your brother and the others, especially Jimin.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now