Focal Seizures

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Information for reader: Focal seizures, or as they are sometimes call partial or local seizures are a type of seizure that affects only one side of the brain or body. It can be caused by head injury, as in Namjoon's sisters case, or they can be caused by overt brain lesions, as in the authors case. Hana has several of the symptoms of focal/partial seizures. There are variations and if you need more information there are several good resources you can find online.

Recap of Part 1: Hana

Namjoon felt responsible in a way for you having seizures. You started having seizures not long after the head injury you had over a year ago.

You and your brother, Namjoon, were at the airport and a sasaeng in her excitement of recognizing you brother rushed forward. Thinking you were just another fan she shoved you out of her way so she could take a picture of him.

Namjoon and you were just about to step on the down escalator when you were shoved forward and you fell head first  down till one of the security guards could shove the sasaeng out of his way to get to you. You spent many months in the hospital.

You begged your brother to keep the secret of the seizures from the other members, especially from Jimin. Only your brother and your best friend Enna along with a select few of the staff knew of your disability.

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now