Meet Me Under The Stars

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Hana is bouncing on the bed excited and speaks first, "Oh my god, he wants to be alone with you! I told you he likes you!"

You blush and look at the time, "It's 10:30 now. Oh my I have already washed off my make up and took my hair down."

You start to panic and she hugs you, "You're beautiful just as you are. Now go brush your hair and your teeth." She laughs "and go meet your Romeo."

You roll your eyes at her and say "Geesh he is not my Romeo Hana. Beside Romeo and Juliet died."

You scoot off the bed and run to the bathroom to do your hair. She tries to swat at your backside but misses rolling off the bed laughing.

Still laughing she heads to the living room. Jin, Hope and Yoongi had already left. Jimin and Jungkook are sitting on the couch watching television. They cut off the television and turn to look as she enters.

The are looking behind Hana and she says "She is in the bathroom if you must know." She rolls her eyes and goes into the kitchen to get some sodas.

She comes out from the kitchen carrying three sodas. Jimin and Jungkook go to grab one and she pulls them out of reach.

"These are not for you." she laughs as she opens one and takes a sip then sits the other two on the coffee table.

She looks at their confused faces and says "If you want one go and get one. You know where they are and there is even some banana milk in there too."

You come walking into the living room slipping a light sweater on over your dress. As you walk by Hana she hands you two sodas.

You smile "Thanks." as you head out the back patio door.

Jimin and Jungkook both got up to follow and Hana blocks them. "Sit boys. Enna is off limits. Her heart is already settled."

Jimin says "What!? I haven't got to talk to her yet."

Hana rolls her eyes at them both. It suddenly dawns on Jungkook, "It's Tae isn't it?"

All she does is smile and sip more of her soda.

Namjoon comes in when you went out. Jimin and Jungkook said their good nights and head back to their place they share with Yoongi.

Namjoon closes the door behind them and sits on the couch near his sister. "It seems romance is afoot tonight."

Hana smiles at her brother, "It's been a long time in the making that is for sure."

Namjoon agrees and says "So, by the way how are things with you and Jimin?"

He laughs when she hits him on the shoulder "There is no me and Jimin. Ever since you said that on that show you keep shipping us."

He shrugs his shoulders as they both laugh and Hana wishes she had inherited his cute dimples. Hana thinks to herself that maybe Jimin was just trying to make her jealous tonight but then she shakes her head 'no he only thinks of me as Joon's little baby sister.'

Namjoon asks "What did you say?"

She looks up at him and sheepishly says "I didn't say anything." and she gets up to go to her room which over looks the backyard.

Outside Taehyung is standing near a tree looking up at the sky. He hears the door open and close after Namjoon had left to go inside. He looks at his watch and it's 11pm.

He turns with his signature boxy smile and sees you walking towards him. Smiling back at him you hand him a soda.

"Hi Beautiful" he says in his velvety soft voice.

You drop your head suddenly shy and he gently touches the underside of your chin with his fingers lifting your face up. You look at him and blush. He takes your hand and walks over to the yard swing and you both sit.

He slowly sets the swing in a gentle motion holding your hand and looking up. "The sky is so clear tonight."

You look up too and when you do he lets go of your hand and puts his arm around your shoulders. Taken by surprise you suddenly sit up "What are you doing?"

He smiles "It's just a little chilly out here. I just wanted to make sure you're warm." There is truth in the innocent look in his eyes. You sit back but not as close as before.

"What is it Tae that you wanted to talk about?"

Namjoon's  Little Sister Part 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now