Chapter 2: Untied Shoes

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Miles walked through the busy Brooklyn crowd as he passed people from his old school.

"Look who's back! How've you been, man?" a random boy called Miles out. "Hey, I'm just walking by, how you doin'?" Miles replied as he continued to walk through the crowd of people near his old school, Brooklyn Middle. Many people told Miles hello. Miles was secretly loving the attention he was getting.

"Yo, Miles, you felt that earthquake last night?" a boy holding a basketball asked. "What are you talkin' about? I slept like a baby last night" Miles called back nonchalantly, doing a handshake with another boy he passed.

Passing the gates of Brooklyn Middle School, a girl with pink hair approached Miles from the gate and asked, "How's that new school?" Miles shrugged and boasted, "So easy!" "We miss you, Miles!" the same girl said as Miles continued to walk. "You miss me? I still live here!" Miles joked as he walked backwards. He paused and put his hand through his curly 4B hair. "Wait, you miss me?" he mumbled while a smile plastered on his face.

Miles felt some adrenaline rush through him, maybe from the confidence boost he got from knowing people from his old school missed his presence.

He started running and jumping everywhere, placing stickers in random, high places like on a light pole.

While running, he accidentally bumped into a girl's shoulder. "Sorry about that!" Miles apologised and quickly glanced back at her before running off again.

She massaged her temples and continued walking, watching the dark-skinned boy run off and stick his labels all over the city's property.

Miles was close to a zebra crossing and a traffic light and he was trying to stick a label on the traffic light. His shoe laces were also untied. The girl had a feeling he wouldn't make it so she quickened her pace to try to warn the boy. "Hey dude! Look ou-"

Before she could finish her sentence and grab him, Miles tripped on his shoe laces and fell right on the road, almost getting hit by a police car but luckily it stopped right in time. Miles could feel the cold piece of steel from the car and the hard road touching his skin.

The girl quickly rushed to his aid on the road and bent down, hoping that he wasn't dead. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, praying for a response. She heard a slight groan and she let out a sigh of relief. " any chance, am I in front of a police car right now?" Miles muffled. "Yep." She affirmed.

Miles groaned again and turned his face to the girl, looking at her properly. He paused as he took her beauty in. The way her beautiful, smooth, caramel-coloured skin glowed in the natural sunlight made her look surreal, Miles could've sworn she was an angel from heaven. He got out of his trance when she reached out her hand to help him up. He held her hand and she pulled him up.

Miles realised that she was the girl he bumped into earlier. "I'm so sorry about bumping into you," he shyly apologised again, looking down at her uniform.

"You go to Brooklyn Visions Academy too?" he asked, looking back into her brown eyes as his lit up. "Yeah, I do! Speaking of which- I should probably get going," She smiled softly at him while walking backwards.

"Maybe I'll see you around?" Miles smiled back. "Maybe you will. And tie your laces! Nice kicks, though!" She laughed and turned her back to Miles. Miles smiled slightly and turned back to the police car, knowing that his father was driving. His smile faded as he got in the car.

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