Chapter 12: Counting On Me

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"My friend and partner, Peter Parker, was an ordinary person. He always said it could've been anyone behind the mask. He just happened to be the kid who got bit. He didn't ask for his powers...but he chose to be Spider-Man. My favorite thing about Peter, is that he made us all feel powerful. We all have powers one way or the other...But, in our own way, we are all Spider-Man...and we're all counting on you."

It was now the next morning at Peter's funeral. Miles, along with an entire crowd of people, listened to Ghost-Spider's speech. Miles perked up as he heard the words, "We're all counting on you," coming from her. "They're counting on me..." he whispered to himself. "Probably not you specifically, I think it's a metaphor." A man next to Miles commented. Miles ignored it and stared at Ghost-Spider.

Right after the speech, Miles spread out some Spider-Man comics in an empty alleyway. He flipped through the pages, trying to find what he needed to learn. He put down the comic and looked up to a high-enough building on the opposite side of the street.

He quickly ran up the stairs of this building until he reached the rooftop. He stood at the edge of the building, looking down at the busy road way below him. Miles got himself ready to jump off the building.

Deep breaths.

Shaking it off.

Pulling down the mask.


He ran back downstairs and out of the building.

Back outside, Miles looked for a shorter building. He went upstairs once again of this building until he made it to the top. He was determined to jump off a building successfully that day.

He cracked his neck.

He started running.

He jumped off!

Well- at least that was after he tripped on his untied shoelaces...again.

Miles yelped as he flew down the building, hitting flags, electrical wires (somehow without getting electrocuted), walls, cars and then FINALLY hitting the floor, between the numbers 4 and 2.

Luckily, Ghost-Spider happened to be around the area, doing her regular patrols around the city. She did anything to distract herself from sitting down and processing everything that went down. Her senses went off and it led her straight to Miles again. As she saw him on the floor, she gasped and hoped dearly that she wasn't about to lose him too. She quickly knelt down to help him.

"Are you okay?!" she asked as she saw him squirming around and groaning. "Yeah..." Miles replied as he felt something kinda crunchy. It wasn't a broken bone, thankfully, but it may have been something much worse. Miles' eyes widened in horror as he reached into his pants pocket, taking out a broken override key.

He looked at the key then at Ghost-Spider as she took it from him. "You've got to be kidding me..." Ghost-Spider mumbled. "Ghost-Spider, I'm so sorry! I just wanted to-"

"I told you already that you can't do anything without web-shooters! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Ghost-Spider groaned. Miles knew he was in the wrong so he stayed quiet. Ghost-Spider sighed, "We definitely can't blow up the collider today. I'll have to go to Alchemax tomorrow to steal the stuff to make this over and THEN make it over.." She gave the key back to Miles, "Keep this as a reminder to NOT do anything stupid until I come back to you with web-shooters and a fixed override key."

And with that, she swung away, leaving Miles, who felt hopeless and useless to Ghost-Spider.

A few hours later, it was now night time. Miles walked through the cemetery in the snow in his dollar-store Spider-Man costume. He kept walking until he found Peter's grave. He pulled his mask up and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Parker. That thing you gave us, the key..." he looked at the broken key in his hand. "I think I really messed it up...and my chances of Ghost-Spider accepting me as her partner. I wanna do what you asked, I really do. But, I'm sorry. I'm not sure I'm the guy. I can't do this without you..."

Something told Miles to turn around and put down his mask, and so he did. He gasped as he saw a tall figure standing behind him. "Hey kid-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" The stranger flew back as he got electrocuted...from Miles. It somehow triggered a spider-web that stuck on Miles' shirt, pulling him closer to the stranger.

Wait, wait, wait-

A spider-web?

Coming from a man?

Who just HAPPENS to be wearing a Spider-Man suit AND has web-shooters?

As Miles examined the now unconscious body, he only had one thought.

'Who...are you?'

Spider-Byte. MILES MORALESWhere stories live. Discover now