Chapter 5: The Shoulder Touch

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Music from his record player blasted in Aaron's apartment as he looked at his phone.

He looked at the notification he got, indicating he had a message from his nephew, Miles.

He opened the message to see a picture of himself with stickers all around it and a caption saying "I'm watching you!!".

He smiled as he saw Miles by the window. "Uncle Aaron!! Hey! Were you scared?" Miles called out. Aaron laughed as Miles made funny faces at the window.

"You want that? Huh? Ha!" Miles shouted while punching his Uncle's punching bag.

"What's up with that school?" Aaron asked from the kitchen. "Going great! Got tons of friends." Miles sarcastically answered.

Aaron looked back at Miles, "You can't tell me it's all that bad there. Smart girls is where it's at. Place must be full of 'em." Miles' mind quickly went back to the pretty girl who saved him. He tried to cover his smile by denying, "Heh, heh. No there's no one." He walked away from the punching bag.

"Yo, I can't have no nephew of mine on the streets with no game." Aaron chuckled, walking to the couch. "Hey, I got game," Miles defended.

"There's this popular girl. Actually, you know, she's kinda into me. You know how it is." 'It's better to be delusional than wrong,' Miles thought. He could only hope she would even talk to him. Why would one of the popular girls talk to a random guy like Miles? He shrugged it off and sat on the couch.

"What's her name?" Aaron asked as he took out some popcorn from the microwave. Miles' eyes widened as he realised that he didn't know the name of the girl he was already admiring.

"You know, we layin' down the groundwork right now." he said, trying to hide his embarrassment. Aaron slightly chuckled and sat near Miles.

"You know about the shoulder touch?" "Of course I do, heh. But tell me anyway." Miles lied.

"Tomorrow, you find this girl. You walk up to her and be like," He paused as he put a hand on Miles' shoulder, looking deeply into his eyes and said with a deep voice, "Hey." Miles laughed at Aaron's 'game',

"Uncle Aaron, you serious?" "I'm telling you, man, it's science!" Aaron defended.

"So I walk up to her and be like, hey." Miles repeated as he put his hand on Aaron's shoulder. "No, no, no. Like, hey." Aaron corrected him, doing the same action over, just deepening his voice some more. Miles tried the same thing but failed, causing Aaron to laugh. "No. Hey." Aaron said again, this time making his voice even deeper.

"Hey..." Miles tried to copy the pitch of Aaron's voice. He ended up sounding like a dying frog. The two males laughed at his voice.

Miles checked his phone and saw a message from his father, asking Miles if he was done with his homework.

The homework that Miles totally didn't abandon.

He turned off his phone. "Is that her?" Aaron asked, peeking at his phone. 'I wish.' Miles said in his head.

"I should probably go, I still have a paper to finish tonight." Miles sighed.

Aaron's eyes softened and looked down, noticing Miles' sketches in the sketchbook he carries around everywhere.

"Yo, you've been holding out on me? You throw these up yet?" He asked as he took the sketchbook. "Naw man, you know my dad. I can't." Miles replied.

"Come on, I got a spot you ain't gon' believe." Aaron said while getting up. "Naw, I can't. I can't. Can't-"

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