Chapter 6: Arachnophobia

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The sound of the loud trains passing made Miles jump as he followed his uncle through a train-station railway. "I'm gonna get into so much trouble.." he whispered to himself.

"How do you know about this place?" Miles asked as he continued to follow his uncle. "Did an engineering job down here." Aaron replied as he jumped over a wall gate.

He made it to the other side of the gate and looked at Miles, letting him know it's his turn to jump the gate.

Miles looked at the gate and tried to jump, but failed, barely making it to the middle of the gate. Aaron laughed as Miles tried to play it off nonchalantly after taking five minutes to jump the gate.

The two males continued to walk until they met an archway. Aaron flipped a switch by this archway and the space was lit now, showing off its colourful creations all over the walls.

"Woah!" Miles exclaimed. "There's a lot of history on these walls." Aaron explained. "This is so fresh!" Miles said in awe, still processing the place he would definitely call 'Heaven'.

Aaron threw a pink spray paint can at Miles, who effortlessly caught it. Aaron watched and encouraged his nephew as Miles started to do his graffiti on the spare wall, helping him ever so often.

While all of this was happening, a spider, with a black label on it saying 'Alchemax 42' slowly crawled around the room.

It made its way up Miles arm while he continued to paint.

After an hour, they finished the painting. Aaron drew an outline of Miles in the middle of the painting. It was a beautiful multi-coloured masterpiece, with the words 'No Expectations' in the middle of it all. The two males looked at the painting with pride.

"You know, me and your dad used to do this back in the day." Aaron confessed, knowing it would be very hard to believe. Miles looked at Aaron, disbelief written on his face with a permanent red marker, "Nah, stop lyin'." "It's true. Then, he took on the cop thing, and I don't know...he's a good guy but...y'know what I'm sayin'." Miles furrowed his eyebrows as he listened to his uncle.

Meanwhile, the mysterious spider kept crawling on Miles, this time going in his jacket.

Aaron looked at his phone, then stared off into nothingness, "All right, come on, man. I gotta roll." He got up and started to walk away quickly. Miles picked up his bag and started to follow Aaron.

Before walking past the archway, he looked back at what he created. He smiled and took out his phone and took a picture.

While taking it, the spider came back, crawling on Miles' hand, finally being visible to the boy. Miles gasped as he saw the spider bite him.

He quickly became unphased by it and smacked the spider off.

"Miles, let's go!" Aaron called out. Miles put his hands in his pocket and followed Aaron.

Back at his dorm, Miles tried to sleep. But found it extremely difficult to do so.

He wasn't sure if it was because of his roommate's laptop illuminating an almost-blinding light.

Many hours and different sleeping positions passed and Miles hasn't gotten any sleep at all.

He just layed there, eyes warily open, looking at the ceiling.

Spider-Byte. MILES MORALESWhere stories live. Discover now