Chapter 21: What's Up, Danger?

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  Miles walked all the way back to Aunt May's house. He made it back into the backyard and to Peter's spider-lair basement.

As soon as he made it down, he was greeted by May sitting and stirring a cup of tea. "It took you long enough," she said, sipping the tea.

  She put it down and got up from her chair, walking over to a small tray. "I believe this is yours..." She continued, handing Miles the tray that had black web shooters and a sticky note stuck on it.

The note read:

Dear Miles,

I know it's a lot right now...but don't worry. I'm always here for you.

Don't listen to whatever the others had to say and believe in yourself cus at the end of the day it's you who decides who you're gonna be, not them.

Whatever choice you make just know I'm standing right here with ya.

I hope you like the web shooters! (Please please PLEASE don't forget what Peter "taught" you about them lol.)

Tu amiga,

Melody :)

Miles smiled at the heartfelt note. He was already feeling so lucky to have a friend like her.

He then walked to the different Spider-Suits. His eye caught an original red and blue spider-suit.

Miles looked down at Melody's bracelet.

He got an idea.

He turned to May,

"Hey, you got any spray paint?"

  After a while, Miles left May's house with a new suit, web shooters and overflowing confidence.

He slipped on the web shooters, his spray-painted red and black spider-suit (matching with Melody's bracelet), short cargo pants, his red and blue jacket and of course, his red Jordan 1's.

  He made his way back to Brooklyn and went to the highest part of the tallest building near him.

Miles sat at the edge of the building, watching the neon city night.

He took a deep breath, put on his mask, and positioned himself to flip off the building.

Melody's words replayed in Miles' mind.

'It's a leap of faith.'

Miles took a deep breath again.

He let go.

He took that leap of faith.

He backflipped off the building.

He started falling.

He's stumbling a bit.

No wait- he's confidently positioning himself mid-air...

He shot out his webs, watching it fly to the highest part of the building and praying it actually sticks.

Or else it's game over.

Miles felt a sudden pull forward from the webs.

It stuck!

  "WOOOOOO!!" Miles exclaimed as he felt a rush of adrenaline (and wind) rush through him.

Miles proudly flipped around the city and did different tricks and stunts effortlessly.

After jumping to a far building, Miles took off his mask to get some air.

'Well, this is sure one way of getting exercise.'  

He smiled to himself before swinging away again to Fisk Tower.

Spider-Byte. MILES MORALESWhere stories live. Discover now