Chapter 23: Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider

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  Miles watched in horror as Melody's metal legs got destroyed by Kingpin.

Melody just kept going, shooting webs at Kingpin. "You're just as pathetic as your friend. But, don't worry, you'll be joining him soon." Kingpin taunted, pinning Melody to the ground aggressively.

"Kingpin!" Miles caught his attention, getting ready to fight.  Kingpin pulled out a gun and aimed it at Miles. "NO!" Melody screamed.

Before Kingpin could shoot, Miles leaped into the air, shot webs at the gun and took it, "Nope! That's cheating!"

Kingpin ran towards Miles, who quickly picked up Melody and stuck onto a moving train. "You alright?" Miles turned to Melody. "Yeah...thanks back there." Melody panted, processing her broken metal legs. "I guess I'm spending my nights making a new suit, haha." She sarcastically joked.

"I gotta get to that button-AHHH!" Miles was pulled inside the train by Kingpin, who threw him all around. "Not so easy doing it on your own, is it?" Kingpin laughed.

  Melody got inside of the train and kicked Kingpin right in the face sending him a bit back, "He's not. It's two against one as usual, Kingpin."

This just fueled Kingpin's anger even more. He stormed back over to Melody and Miles and choked them both, "I can't wait to kill two more Spider-Men."

Before he could tighten his grip, the distorted sounds of his wife and son was heard. His eyes softened, possibly a hint of joy and relief being shown.

He froze as they looked at their husband and father choke two Spider-People in fear.

They left the train, which made Kingpin run after them. He didn't do all of this for his family to run away from him again!

He pleaded and cried for them to return but there wasn't a response back.

  Gasping for air, Melody and Miles warily climbed on top of the train. Kingpin jumped in front of them, "You're not stopping this! Not today!" "Oh, we're stopping this. Right now!" Miles yelled back.

Almost as if it was twin telepathy between the two heroes, they both charged at Kingpin in unison, Miles controlling the front of Kingpin and Melody, the back.

Kingpin took a hold of Melody first, throwing her backwards aggressively. As she hit the ground, Melody winced in pain. She wasn't too sure if she could've gotten up.

Miles, who was distracted by this, didn't see Kingpin coming for HIM. Kingpin grabbed Miles' hands and squeezed them tight enough to inflict serious pain.

As Miles tried to endure the pain, nothing hurt more than what he saw when he turned his head.

His father on the other end of the room, watching the scene in complete fear.

Kingpin hit Miles in the head, causing him to fall back. He then proceeded to throw a taxi car at Miles as he tried to stand up, causing him to fall off the train. "Miles!" Melody screamed.

She couldn't take it anymore.

No matter how hurt she was, she couldn't just lie there while Miles fought for his life.

'Spider-Man always gets up.'

Melody ran up to Kingpin and gave him the hardest punch anyone could receive. Even she was surprised. "Well, that's new." She chuckled weakly.

Miles came swinging back up to her and kicked Kingpin.

They both held on to him as they pushed him off the train.

  They all fell hard to a lower surface.

Melody was the first to get up to fight. While jumping mid-air to attack, Kingpin punched her down.

But she wasn't about to give up yet.

She immediately got back up, about to throw a punch again. But before that could've happened, Kingpin held her hand and twisted it sideways, causing her to groan in pain. "The real Spider-Man couldn't even beat me. Who are you two fools to try?" Kingpin menacingly said before twisting her hand more, then punching her, picking her up AND throwing her to the ground.

  Melody backed away, hopeless, as Kingpin walked closer to her.

"You all took my family." Kingpin growled. "You took mine too, you monster!" Melody cried.

"I don't even know who you are."

"Oh, you will."

"I don't care to know. You'll be joining them anyways."

  Melody was about to accept her fate when Kingpin paused.

"On second thought..." he turned to Miles, who still struggled to get up.

'No. No. No. No. No.'

'Anything but that.'

'Anything but Miles.'

"It's more fun to watch Spidey die in front of you again." Kingpin taunted, walking to Miles.

Melody screamed at the top of her lungs for Miles. She screamed even more when Kingpin smashed his hands into Miles' back, causing him to fall back down. Her voice was going but that didn't matter.

'IcantsavehimIcantsavehimIcantsavehim' it was happened again.

The numbness.

The freezing.

The immense dread of death.

Melody tried so hard to get up but she couldn't. Her body and mind just wouldn't let her. She just stared as Miles groaned in pain.

The chances of him getting up was slim.




  Miles turned his head to his father again who loudly whispered, "Get up, Spider-Man. Come on, come on, come on."

It was like the perfect words at the perfect time for Miles. It gave him the push to get up slowly.

Melody saw this, exhaled and calmed down slightly. She had the urge again to get up. And she was more than taking it.

  She slowly crept up behind Kingpin. Miles weakly got up, holding his side, and looked at Kingpin, "I'll always have my family. You ever hear about the shoulder touch?" Kingpin looked at him, confused, "...What?" Melody used this time to get on top of Kingpin, holding him down with webs and her arms. Miles put his hand on Kingpin's shoulder, deepened his voice and said, "...Hey." Kingpin looked at Miles' hand with dread as blue electricity started to come out of them. "You're doing it, Miles, oh my g-AAAAAAAAAAHHHH" Melody screamed as she and Kingpin got pushed back by the electric pressure.

It was so strong that Kingpin was heading straight for the button to blow up the collider. "Hey, Kingpin! Push that green button for me!" Miles yelled.

Melody jumped off Kingpin and kicked him mid-air, landing him straight onto the button.

As it activated, Miles and Melody watched as all the weird, glitchy, vibrant pieces of other dimensions got sucked up by the collider. Everything was being sucked up. The two heroes (and Miles' dad) held on to anything close to them.

Then the collider stopped.


It suddenly exploded.

The only things that were left standing (or more like hanging) was Miles and Melody, hanging on to their webs.

After Miles made sure his dad was alright, the heroes left the scene.

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