Chapter 17: Aunt May's

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  After half an hour, the Spider-Trio made it to Aunt May's house in Queens. "Y'know, maybe we shouldn't do this," Peter mumbled. "Peter, we're literally at the front of her house, it's now or never." Melody explained, rolling her eyes.

She shot a web to the door, hitting the doorbell. Peter started to walk away, "Bad idea. This is a very bad idea!" "Just relax!" Melody groaned, webbing him and pulling him back.

The door suddenly opened. "You guys are very sweet, but no more fans today, please." A wary voice called from inside the house. It was Aunt May. As she opened the door more, her eyes widened as her eyes shifted from Melody to Peter. "I'm not ready for this..." Peter muttered under his breath.

  Aunt May dropped her broom in shock. I mean, can you blame her? Her supposed-to-be dead nephew is standing in front of her house. Aunt May slowly walked down, "...Peter??"

"Hey, Aunt May. I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure I'm from an-" "An alternate dimension." Aunt May finished Peter's sentence. "Yeah..." Peter furrowed his brows, surprised Aunt May guessed right. "You look tired, Peter..." "Yeah? Well, I am." "And older. And thicker! Jeez, are those sweatpants?" Aunt May examined Peter's...physique. "Yep, that's what they are." Melody muttered.

Aunt May turned to Melody and smiled, "Mel, honey!" "Hey, Ms. Parker..." Melody returned the smile, "How've you been holding up?" Aunt May sighed, "Still processing. What about you? Are you giving yourself time to process and reflect?"

Melody stayed silent and looked down. She knew she wasn't taking time for herself. "Listen, I just want to finish everything first before I-" Aunt May cut her off, "Melody. You need to give yourself time to process and heal!" "I will, I will. I have to go to Columbia with my mom in two weeks so, I'll do what I need to do then." Melody explained. Aunt May nodded and turned to Miles, "And what dimension are you from?" Miles shrugged and replied, "Brooklyn."

  He continued, "Did Peter have a place where we could make another one of these?" He handed her the broken goober. Aunt May gasped, "A goober! Follow me."

  The Spider-Trio followed her to the backyard to a small wooden shed with a big red Spider-Man logo on it. "Oh yeah, I got one of these, too. A little, shed where I keep my Spider-gear," Peter mumbled.

Aunt May unlocked the door and as it opened, a bright light came through. They all walked into the shed, which slowly turned out to be an elevator.

  Miles (and Peter) watched in awe as they descended into a big basement filled with Spider-gear. From dozens of Spider-suits to cars and jets. It was huge.

"Hey, Ms. Parker, where's the stuff to make the web-shooters?" Melody asked as she walked around the basement. "It's in the corner after the suits!" Aunt May called out. Melody nodded and walked towards the corner while Miles tagged along behind her until he stopped at a suit with a cape.

He turned around to tell Peter, who was busy staring at a picture of Mary-Jane, "Hey, Peter! I think this is a cape!" Peter turned around and laughed as he looked at the cape.

Melody observed how Peter's facial expressions went from somber to joy because of Miles' unintentional interaction and smiled.

Miles moved on to another suit. An original red and blue Spider-Man suit. He stared at it longingly, as if it was calling to him.

  After, he turned around to look at Melody, only to find her on the other half of the room, looking at pictures of villains with Peter and Aunt May. He walked up to them and said, "Kingpin knows we're coming. We're gonna be outnumbered." Aunt May chuckled, "Don't be so sure. You're gonna need these," as she held out name tags and pens for the Spider-Trio as Miles and Melody looked at each other with confusion written on their faces.

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