Chapter 24: Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Men

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  As soon as Jefferson made his way outside the building, he called Miles' phone, "Miles, miles! Are you okay?" Miles, who was literally watching his father from a nearby building with Melody replied, "Yeah, I'm okay. You're probably busy-"

"No- I can talk! I can talk! Look, I came by earlier and...your uncle..."

"I know, Dad. I am so sorry. Do you know who did it?"

"I thought I did. But...I was wrong. Look, Miles. What I said at the wasn't just talk. You know, maybe we could find a wall...PRIVATELY OWNED by like- the police station...for you to uh- 'throw up' your art..Miles- miles? Are you there-"

  Jefferson got cut off by the sudden embrace of 'Spider-Man'. Confused, he hugged back. Miles got ahold of himself and let go, clearing his throat. "I look forward to workin' with you." He said, putting on a fake deep voice. "Yeah uh- same to you too, I guess." Jefferson chuckled.

"Oh, and look behind you!" Miles called out. As Jefferson turned around, he saw Kingpin stuck to a huge web, with a sign that said, 'FROM YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDER-MAN AND GHOST-SPIDER :)'.

  Swinging away from this was Melody, who landed between Miles and Jefferson. "Hey, Officer Mo...Morales!" Melody called out, trying not to use a Spanish accent. Jefferson waved at Ghost-Spider.

  Miles and Melody walked away from Jefferson and to a big crowd of staring people. "Everyone, I would like to formally introduce you to Brooklyn's new superhero...and my new partner...Spider-Man!...2.0!!" Melody announced, putting her arm around Miles' shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm the new Spider-Man! Check this out!" Miles confidently ran, jumped off a hot-dog stand, stuck to a wall...and almost fell off.

"Ay, díos mío. (Oh, my god.)" Melody muttered as she facepalmed at Miles. "That was part of the move, haha!" Miles nervously chuckled.

Miles: OKAYYY let's do this one last time, yeah?
Melody: For real, guys. This is it. *laughs*
Miles: My name is Miles Morales.
Melody: My name is Melody Myers.
Miles: And we were BOTH bitten by radioactive spiders.
Melody: Andddd, for the last six months...well- two days for Miles..
Miles: We've been Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider! I think you know the rest. I finally finished my essay.
Melody: I finally got the urge to drop those 'friends' of mine. Life is way more peaceful with just Miles.
Miles: Awh.
Melody: You're still a handful, don't flatter yourself.
Miles: Well damn- Anyways...Saved a bunch of people.
Melody: Don't forget the part where you got hit by a drone!
Miles: *rolls eyes* I finally met my roommate.
Melody: Showed Miles a place to slap his stickers where his dad wouldn't find them.
Miles: And when I feel alone, and I feel like no one understands what I go through...I remember my friends that get it! I never thought I'd be able to do this stuff.
Miles: *chuckles* Anyone can wear the mask. If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now.
Melody: *cooes* Awww someone was paying attention to my speech!
Miles: *laughs* Maybe just a little!
Miles: But, I'm Spider-Man.
Melody: And I'm Ghost-Spider, baby!
Miles: And we're not the only ones!
Melody: Not by a longgg shot.

Spider-Byte. MILES MORALESWhere stories live. Discover now