Chapter 14: Alchemax

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  Miles stared at Peter in disgust as he gobbled down a hamburger, sauce dripping everywhere, 'I can't believe he made me stop off at Burger Prince first...'

"Can we focus?!" Miles groaned. "Yeah, yeah...wait. Didn't you mention another Spider-Person here? Where's she at?" Peter asked, pulling Miles' burger closer to him. "Well uh- she was going to the same place that we're going to-" "So why aren't you with her, then?" Peter cut him off, shoving half of Miles' burger in his mouth. "She told me to not do anything...I probably got her mad when I broke the goober." Miles mumbled. "Oh, so we're planning her a surprise visit, okay, cool!" Peter shrugged. Miles was filled with dread as he thought about Ghost-Spider's reaction if she spots him. He decided to shake it off.

"The other Peter said he was going to be showing me the ropes, you got any tips?" Miles tried to change the subject. Licking the fountain of sauce on his fingers, Peter replied, "Yeah I got plenty. Disinfect the mask. You're gonna wanna use baby powder in the suit, heavy on the joints." "Anything else?" Miles asked, deadpanned. "Nope, that's it!" Peter muffled. It was right then and there Miles knew he was going to be a bad teacher.

"Look up where Alchemax is." Peter instructed as he reached for the fries. Miles scrolled on his phone, "A private technological campus in Hudson Valley, New York." Miles gasped, "You can teach me how to swing on the way there! Fwish, fwish!" Miles imitated the Spider-Man hand pose, causing Peter to laugh.

  Fifteen minutes later, Miles found himself riding the bus to Alchemax, disappointed. "I'm not swinging to the Hudson Valley, Miles. Especially after a hearty burger breakfast. Keep your legs fresh, you'll thank me later!" Peter explained. (Being the smol bean that he is/j) Miles folded his arms and huffed as he listened to Peter.

  They finally made it to Alchemax. They took off their extra clothes and only wore their Spider-Man suits. Peter wore a track pants with his and Miles...

Miles wore a yellow cape with his. Not even a red one, Miles?

"And it's a no on the cape." Peter pointed. "I think it's cool!" Miles proudly defended himself. "Take that off, it's disrespectful. Spider-Man doesn't wear a cape." Miles gasped as Peter yanked the cape off him.

  Peter thought of ways to retrace his other self's tracks. He then listed out and planned his entire mission, leaving Miles out of it. "So...what do I do?" Miles asked. "You stay here. You're lookout, very important!" And with that, Peter swung away.

Miles groaned and slouched down, "Why do I get stuck with the janky, old broke hobo Spider-Man?!" as he sat by a big rock. He punched the rock backwards softly, breaking a big piece of it. Impressed, he chuckled, "That's new!"

  Miles looked back at Alchemax, observing a black car. He watched as it stopped. The car doors opened. Two men came out. One of them being Kingpin. He wasn't about to let another Spider-Man die to the hands of Kingpin! Miles ran through the snow behind some guards, questioning his life choices.

He explored in the vents until he came in contact with Peter's butt. "Peter! Kingpin's here!" Miles said, avoiding Peter's uh- view. "I can't let another Spider-Man die without doing anything about it." Miles continued. Peter stared at him, "Most people in the workplace try to kill you're a nice change of pace." Both Spider-Men looked at each other until they heard noises coming from below. Peter predicted the entire typical-villainous-conversation as he memorized a password for the computer the person talking was using. It just had to be important.

  They waited until the people left to make a move. Peter was the first one to come out of the vents, rushing to the computer. He immediately got distracted watching Miles struggle to climb down from the vents. "What are you doing, bud?" He asked. "I can't move." Miles whispered as he tried to pull away from the ceiling light. "Okay, relax your fingers. We don't have time. Just be in the moment." Peter tried to help him out. "I am in the moment. It's a terrible moment!" Miles struggled more. "What do you do to relax?" Peter asked, moving away from the computer. Miles paused, then started singing his favorite song, 'Sunflower'. As Miles kept singing, his fingers slowly unstuck, causing him to fall and make noise.

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