Chapter 8: Stop Sticking!

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In the nurse's office, Miles looked down in shame as Melody cut her hair off with a pair of scissors.

He quickly looked up and back down when he saw that she was done. He pulled his hand away, which still had a chunk of Melody's hair stuck on.

Melody looked at herself through a small mirror. A good bit of her hair was missing. "My mom's gonna kill me..." Melody mumbled to herself.

"I-I'm so sorry, Melody.." Miles apologised as he looked down in shame. Melody didn't want to take out her frustration on Miles so she just got up and gave him a fake smile, "It's fine. I needed to cut my split-ends, anyways. The hair should come off when you wash your hands or something. Bye, Miles." Melody turned around and left the nurse's office.

After a few seconds, Miles decided to leave the nurse's office.

As he made it back to the school hallway, all he could feel was dread. He looked back at his hair-covered hand. 'No one saw, it's okay.' Miles reassured himself in his head.

He walked down the hall, continuing to reassure himself that no one saw.

The more he walked, the more uncomfortable he got.

Many students were around him, just staring, whispering and snickering. 'Everyone knows.' Miles thought, frowning, as he walked through the sea of staring students.

'Everyone knows! They're talking about me. They saw everything!' Miles started to overthink and panic. He started to sweat as he looked around at the students looking back at him, whispering to their friends and then laughing.

Miles began to get overwhelmed by everyone around him and even his thoughts.

'Can they hear my thoughts?! Why are all my thoughts so loud!'

Miles kept running through the crowd until he bumped into a security guard.

"Hey! I knew you snuck out last night, Morales!" The security guard growled, looking down at Miles.

'Play dumb!' "Who's Morales?" Miles asked, pretending to be dumb. 'Not that dumb!'

Miles ran past the guard before he could catch him. He ran through an outdoor hallway. The security guard was right behind him. Miles was living out his Subway Surfer dreams.

Miles skidded into another indoor hallway, almost tripping. He bumped into walls and students as he stumbled across the hallway.

He opened a door to a random room and decided to hide in there. He leaned back on the closed door, panting.

'Okay, okay. You're okay. You're okay. He's not gonna find you.' Miles calmed himself down as he looked around the room.

That was, until he saw a picture on the desk in front of him.

A picture of three men.

One of them being the security guard.

Miles knew he was screwed. Miles tried to move away from the door but fell back. His hand was stuck to the door.

"What are you doin' in my office, Morales?!" the security guard yelled from the other side of the locked door.

Miles finally got his hand to not stick, but it wasn't for the better. He stumbled all over the office.

He accidentally started to take off his shirt. 'Why is this happening?!' Miles screamed in his head.

There were sticky notes all over his torso and his shirt was almost completely off.

Miles started to stick all over the walls and then somehow, he ended up on the ceiling with his head hanging down. "Stop sticking!" Miles told himself.

He actually did stop sticking! He fell right on a chair which rolled back to the open window at the end of the office.

Miles stumbled out of the window, ready to accept his fate.

Luckily for him, his feet were stuck to the wall.

"Keep sticking, Miles! Woah!" he yelled at himself, trying to process the fact that he almost died.

He began to walk on the walls. A flock of birds came charging at him. Most of them passed Miles straight, except for the two stuck on Miles' hands. They began to peck at him and tried to fly away, dragging Miles with them.

Miles hit three classroom windows, praying the students wouldn't recognize him.

Walking out of the opposite school building, Melody kept touching her shorter hair, regretting cutting it off.

She sighed as she came to the realisation that she might have to cut her entire hair to fit the length, just to make it look somewhat normal.

She raised her head as she heard a familiar scream.

Miles' scream.

She watched in confusion as Miles scrambled on the walls. "Okay..." she mumbled, furrowing her eyebrows.

Almost out of luck, Miles stumbled across his dorm room window. He quickly climbed through it, landing on the floor.

A Spider-Man comic fell on Miles' face. Miles picked it up and started reading, finding himself strangely relating to the misfortunate events that happened to the man in the comic.

The man who becomes Spider-Man.

'Wait, wait, wait. How could there be more Spider-People? There can't be three Spider-People...can there?'

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