Chapter 19: Pinky Promise

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  Frustrated as ever, Miles made it back to his dorm. Anger spilled over his body as he threw everything in his sight down to the floor.

His notebooks. His stationery. Hell, he even broke his desk lamp.

His sketchbo- his sketchbook.

He looked as his sketchbook as it coincidentally flipped to the sketch of the last graffiti that he did (and would ever do) with his uncle. He looked at it sadly, then threw the sketchbook out the open window.

  Surprisingly, it came back to him like a boomerang. Along followed Melody climbing through the window, "I didn't know you could  draw."

Miles didn't respond to her. He simply glanced and looked away, trying to hide his teary eyes.

Melody took a step forward and looked at the ground. "Look, I just came to see if you're okay...." There was silence once again.

She sighed, "I'm guessing you don't want me here, fair enou- oh!"

Melody was cut off and taken aback by Miles running to hug her.

  As soon as he properly wrapped his hands around her, he broke down, tears falling to Melody's neck.

'Huh...he...actually trusts me with his emotions already...?'

Melody wrapped her arms around Miles too, returning the hug. "Hey it's okay..." She reassured. "No, it's not, Melody.." Miles cried.

  Miles said something that broke Melody's heart.

That reminded her of herself.

That brought her back to the past.

"It's...all my...fault..."

Miles sobbed louder.  Melody felt tears coming but she hid them, trying to be strong for Miles.

He needed someone strong, especially in times like this.

"Miles, it's not your fault, I promise you." She reassured again, gently touching Miles' hair. Miles flinched and tightened his grip at her touching his hair.

"Oh, sorry-" Melody apologized, quickly moving her hand. "No,'s okay.." He hesitantly mumbled.

He took a deep breath as Melody carefully ran her fingers through his thick, curly hair.

It was actually...soothing. For once, at least.

Normally, people would purposely try and mess his hair or inflict pain but...this wasn't the case.

After a while, he stopped crying.

'It really did help...' 

  Miles thought as he loosened his grip around Melody a bit.



"Can you do me a favor...?"

"Sure, what's up?"

Miles took a deep breath.

"Please...please don't leave me, Melody..." He mumbled, his voice slightly breaking.

"Awh, Miles..." Melody whispered, nudging Miles to look at her. "I could never and will never leave you." " promise?" Miles asked, wiping his eyes.

"I promise," Melody continued, "I, Melody Myers, promise to protect you at all cost, to support you no matter what and... to never leave your side." "Same here, Mel." Miles smiled and held out his pinky and nudged Melody to do the same.

"Really, Miles?" Melody chuckled. "Pinky promises are the strongest types of promises, I don't make the rules!" Miles shrugged.
Melody sighed in defeat, smiled, and also held out her pinky finger. Both teenagers interlocked their pinkies together, properly sealing the promise.

  Melody tapped her spider-man logo, commanding her suit to come off, leaving her in her white and blue shirt, jeans, blue Jordan 1's and her bracelet.

"All that under your suit?" Miles asked. "Yeah, I know it's weird," Melody chuckled.

"To further seal this promise..." Melody reached to take off her bracelet, hanging it infront of Miles, indicating that she wants him to have it.

Miles refused, "No, no that's from your dad, I can't take that!" "I want you to have it. I insist." Miles smiled softly at her and took the bracelet.

He put it on, playing with the jewels on it, "Thank you so much, Melody.."

'I'm never taking this off.'

"It always helped me when I'm feeling down or stressed so...I hope it could help you now." Melody returned the smile.

They hugged again.

  Melody smiled at the thought of a new friendship developing between them.

All she had to do was hope he wasn't like her past...mistakes.

Miles, on the other hand, already felt so much at peace with Melody. It felt as if they knew each other from long ago.

Both of them moreover had the same thing being said in their minds:

'This is new...I could get used to this.'

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