Chapter 10: Kingpin.

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A big-bodied man in a suit came walking down the office lab aisle, humming happily while clicking his pen repeatedly.

His workers worked even more, typing faster in fear as they heard his heavy footsteps.

"You came all this way, watch the test, Spidey." Kingpin smirked at Spider-Man, who was being pinned to the floor by Green Goblin. "It's a hell of a freaking light show. You're gonna love this."

There was a certain glint in his eyes. One that reflected chaos and destruction.

Spider-Man's eyes widened as the humongous machine next to him started to turn on.

"No, don't do this! Stop!" He tried to warn Kingpin. He knew Kingpin didn't exactly know what he was doing, but his big ego and stubbornness took control of him.

Miles turned to a shaking Ghost-Spider. He scooted closer to give her (and himself) some comfort as they looked at lights around them.

Ghost-Spider turned to look at Miles, who was, to her surprise, already looking at her with fear in his eyes. "W-what's going on?!" Miles shuddered, breathing heavily. "Looks like they turned on the machine.." Ghost-Spider tried her best not to show how terrified she was actually feeling to MIles.

She couldn't look weak, she's Ghost-Spider, after all!

"You don't know what that can do! You'll kill us all!" Spider-Man kept pleading as he watched the machine rotate slowly.

All three Spider-People watched with dread as a small object ejected slowly from the ceiling on some sort of pole.

There was a short silence.

Maybe everything was okay.

Just a test drive or something, right?


Miles flinched as an almost-blinding beam of light came out of the machine. The colours of it changed the entire atmosphere into a neon, dangerous mess.

The entire room and the objects in it started to slightly glitch. As Ghost-Spider looked closer, she spotted a rapidly-growing black hole.

"I see multiple dimensions opening," a random worker of Kingpin's shouted from the back. "That was three...four...five separate dimensions!" "It's unstable! We should stop!"

Kingpin ignored their comments and just kept staring.



Things started to collapse. The board surface Miles and Ghost-Spider were on started to shake, causing them to fall.

Ghost-Spider quickly ejected her metal legs, which grasped the pole next to her tightly.

Miles screamed as he tried his best to keep holding on, mentally and physically.

"Hey, look at me," Ghost-Spider looked down at Miles, who hesitantly looked at her. She extended her hand to Miles, her pinky, index and thumb finger out while the other two stayed closed, creating a long spider-web.

"Hold on to this, I'll pull you closer up to me." "What if it breaks?!" Miles panicked. "I pulled an entire bus with my webs, it won't break, trust me." Ghost-Spider reassured.

Spider-Byte. MILES MORALESWhere stories live. Discover now