Chapter 11: No Where To Run

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  The Prowler quickly obeyed the instructions given to him. He quickly caught up to Miles and Ghost-Spider.

"Hurry!" Ghost-Spider yelled as she heard The Prowler's heavy footsteps echoing through the trainway.

While running, she accidentally dropped the override key but didn't realise, mainly because she was more focused on getting Miles out.

Miles let go of her hand and stopped to pick up the key. As soon as he picked it up, The Prowler crashed right in front of him.

Before The Prowler could grab Miles, Ghost-Spider used her web to bring Miles closer to her and pulled it, sending Miles flying to her.

"I g-got the key- TRAIN!!" Miles' eyes widened as a train was coming their way. Miles and Ghost-Spider quickly jumped to the ceiling and stuck there, while The Prowler hid on the side of the train.
  After the train passed, The Prowler looked at the two teenagers and his claws ejected from his hands as he walked closer.

Ghost-Spider quickly unstuck from the ceiling while Miles struggled. "Stop....sticking!" Miles groaned, right before hitting the floor.

He quickly got up and the two teenagers kept running, even though a train was coming again.

Ghost-Spider quickly turned around, seeing that The Prowler was getting closer.  She shot her webs at him to keep him still and turned back around. 

They were finally making it to the actual subway station.

Miles panicked as he ran towards the incoming train. He, along with Ghost-Spider, quickly jumped to the platform where the people waited for their trains to arrive.

There it was! The stairs!

But, another train was coming.

They quickly jumped from platform to platform before the train arrived. They finally made it upstairs and hid behind a big pole.

  After a few minutes of waiting, they realized that The Prowler was gone.

Ghost-Spider turned to Miles, "Where do you live? I will take you there." Miles nodded and gave her his address. Ghost-Spider grabbed Miles by his waist and yelled, "Hold on tight!"

Before Miles could even answer, they were already in the air, swinging from building to building. Miles screamed as he clinged on to Ghost-Spider, burying his face in her neck.

Ghost-Spider chuckled at how Miles was acting, "You know, you gotta get used to the heights, right?" "Yeah, when the time is right!" Miles muffled.

  They finally made it to Miles' apartment. Miles quickly let go of Ghost-Spider and thanked her for getting him home.

"Tomorrow, at maybe- 4 PM, meet me back under Fisk Tower so we can blow this thing up." Ghost-Spider instructed.

"Do you want the key back?" Miles, asked, taking out the key out of his pocket. "No, no, keep it. I trust you with it." Ghost-Spider replied.

Before Miles turned to the fire emergency exit stairs, he asked, "Wait, don't you need to teach me how to you know- be Spider-Man? Like- how to shoot webs and stuff?"

"Well, can you shoot webs from your veins like me?" Ghost-Spider tilted her head slightly. She watched as Miles grunted while struggling to shoot webs out of his veins. He was trying so hard, that Ghost-Spider feared he might pop a muscle or something.

She stopped him immediately, "Alright, well you can't shoot webs naturally. Which means...I gotta make new web shooters."

"You don't have any remaining?"
"Nah, Peter used the last one."
"Wait, wait. So how do you have natural webs and he doesn't?"
"No clue. Maybe the spider that bit him was a prototype of the spider that bit me."
"Wasn't he here before you, though? How is that possible-"
"I don't know, man! Science people are crazy and weird!"

Ghost-Spider sighed, "Anyways, I can't make the web shooters for tomorrow, I gotta prepare speeches for Peter's death, I gotta patrol the city, blow up this collider thing and do my personal stuff. But you'll get it after."

Miles nodded. "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow, Ghost-Spider." They both told each other goodbye and Miles made his way to his apartment.

He quickly climbed through the window of his bedroom, stumbling on the floor. His bedroom door suddenly opened and he hid behind a bookshelf.

"Police! Put your hands up!" Jefferson shouted as he barged into the room, only to see his son who was already looking at him with the saddest puppy eyes. "Why aren't you at school- woah, woah, woah, woah! It's okay!"

Miles ran over to his father and hugged him tightly. Jefferson hugged him back. "Miles? ¿Qué te pasa?" (Miles? What's wrong with you?) Rio asked as she walked by. Miles let go off his father as he looked at Rio, then at the floor. "Is it the earthquake?" Rio asked, placing her hand on Miles' shoulder.

Miles knew he couldn't tell his parents what actually happened so he just stayed quiet for a minute or two. He finally spoke up, "Can I sleep here tonight?" Jefferson tried to protest against him staying but Rio insisted Miles stay.

Miles sat on his bed, "Dad, do you really hate Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider?"

Jefferson exhaled deeply as he probably prepared to give a whole thesis on his feelings towards the Spider-Heroes, "I mean, with a vigilante there is.." Rio furrowed her eyebrows at her husband. "What? He asked me, baby! You know how I feel about them." He defended as Rio carried him outside.

It was just Rio and Miles now. "Tú sabes que él te quiere mucho," You know that he loves you so much.) "That's why he's so hard on you."

"Mom, do you ever think about moving out of Brooklyn?" Miles asked, looking down. "Our family doesn't run away from things, Miles." Rio kissed his forehead and left his room.

As he turned over, Miles gripped the key tighter in his hand. As he listened to the news about Spider-Man's death coming from his living room, Miles' head was filled with nothing but regret. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep.

He got up from his bed and left his room from the window from earlier.

Spider-Byte. MILES MORALESWhere stories live. Discover now