Chapter 25: Sunflower

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  It was two weeks after the collider drama. Miles was pretty much settled in to his life as Spider-Man and Melody was about to go for a short trip to her mom's hometown, Columbia.

  Miles and his parents were helping Melody and her mom bring the suitcases to the Uber outside. "I'll be back before Christmas, I promise!" Melody laughed. "You better." Miles playfully hit her shoulder.

  Melody was about to go inside of the car when Miles called her back. "So, I may have made something for thank you for the bracelet." Miles started, holding something behind his back. "Miles, you didn't have to get me anything!" Melody smiled, secretly grateful to have a friend like him.

  She gasped when she saw what was made: four big, beautiful, paper-made sunflowers.

"You remind me of my favorite song so I made sunflowers for you. Plus, it doesn't die!" Miles sheepishly said, handing her the flowers with the biggest smile on his face.

Melody took the flowers from him, "I'm gonna keep these forever, they're so beautiful!"

Miles was more than glad the she liked them that much.

  "¡Melody, vamos! (Melody, let's go!)" Ariella called from the car.

Both teenagers looked at each other sadly. Melody tightly hugged Miles, who returned the favor immediately. She broke the hug and started walking away from Miles.

Before reaching the car, she turned back around, ran up to Miles, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Bye, Morales!" She quickly ran back to the car and shut the door, leaving a flustered Miles standing awkwardly.

  Melody smiled at the gift brightly.

'Maybe he won't be like Gwen...or the other people..'

The thought of a genuine good friend excited her.

She connected her AirPods to her phone, opened Dropify and played her favorite song, 'Dandelions'.

  As Miles watched the car drive off, he just stood there, dumbfounded as ever.

'There's no way that just happened.'

He couldn't help but wonder:

Was that just a friendly-Spanish-culture kiss? there something more developing?

He'd figure it out one day.

I hope.

Meanwhile, in Nueva York...
"You're a bit late."
"We can't all be everywhere at once."
"A little text might've been nice."
"I was gone for less than two hours, what happened?"
"Okay- I know what it looks like. But here's the good news!"
"Oh, here we go."
"The multiverse didn't collapse!"
"Oh cool."
"Little touch and go!"
"Did you finish the goober?"
"It's a gizmo. It's just a prototype"
"But you could be the first person to make an autonomous multiverse jump! Or the last. Where do you wanna go first?"
"Let's start at the beginning one last time."

Spider-Byte. MILES MORALESWhere stories live. Discover now