Chapter 3: I Love You, Dad.

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"Seriously, Dad, walking would've been fine." Miles groaned. He thought about how he embarrassed himself in front of the pretty girl he met a few moments ago.

"You can walk plenty on Saturdays when you peel those stickers off." Jefferson looked at his son from the mirror. Miles didn't think his father knew about him and his stickers. He tried to stay as neutral as possible, not trying to look even more guilty.

"You saw that? I don't know if that was me!" Miles exclaimed. "And the two from yesterday on Clinton." Jefferson continued. "Yeah, those were me.." Miles sadly sighed.

Jefferson tried to change the topic. " Oh. Look at that. Another new coffee shop. You see that?" He pointed out to the new coffee shop. Miles somberly looked out the window and dryly replied, "Totally. Yeah."

"What's that one called?" "Foam Party." "'Foam Party'? Haha! Come on. Everyone's just lining up, you see that?" "I see it." "Is that a coffee shop or a disco?" "Dad, you're old, man."

Jefferson listened to the radio which was talking about Spider-Man and his partner-in-crime, Ghost-Spider.

"Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider. I mean, they swing in once a day, zip-zap-zop in their little masks and answer to no one. Right?" Jefferson complained. "Yeah, Dad, yeah." Miles barely replied. "Meanwhile, my guys are out here, lives on the line, no masks." Jefferson continues to complain.

Miles zoned out, still looking out of the window. He immediately saw some boys he knew before. "Dad, speed up! I know these kids!"

The boys noticed Miles and ran closer to the car, while Jefferson didn't notice. "With great ability, comes great accountability!" "Dad, that's not even how the saying goes!" Miles said, still looking back at the boys.

Miles hid his face from them, not wanting to be seen in his new 'private school' uniform.

Almost there at Brooklyn Visions Academy, he caught a glimpse of the pretty girl from earlier.

'Looks like she's popular...' Miles thought as he watched the girl wave to a big group of girls as she walked on the sidewalk.

Miles' eyes softened as the girl smiled, her dimples showing. The way her eyes smiled as well made Miles' heart flutter a bit. "Who is this girl..." Miles whispered to himself.

Jefferson heard him and asked, "Huh?" Miles tried to hide his smile and replied in a close-to-nonchalant tone, "Oh, nun'."

Brooklyn Visions Academy. Miles had arrived at his new school. He took in the visuals of the school. It was a depressing but modern-like building painted in a dull, grey colour.

"Why can't I go back to Brooklyn Middle?" Miles whined. "You've given it two weeks. We're not having this conversation." Jefferson said.

"I just think that this school is elitist," Miles continued, "And I would prefer to be at a normal school, among the people." "The people? These are your people!" Jefferson pointed at the crowd of students walking to the school.

"I'm only here because I won that stupid lottery." Miles mumbled, feeling pathetic knowing that he could never fit in with the 'actual smart people' in the school.

"No way. You passed the entry test, just like everybody else," Jefferson reassured. "You have an opportunity here, you wanna blow that? You wanna end up like your Uncle Aaron?" "What's wrong with Uncle Aaron? He's a good guy." Miles protested.

Jefferson paused at Miles' response. "We all make choices in life," he explained. "It doesn't feel like I have a choice right now!" Miles raised his voice slightly. "You don't!" Jefferson's voice slightly overpowering Miles'.

There was an immediate silence, creating tension between the two. Jefferson opened Miles' door and sighed, slightly regretting some of his words. The passenger door opened, allowing Miles to get his bag and suitcase. He glanced at his father with a stoic expression and looked back at his bags.

"I love you, Miles." Jefferson expressed. "Yeah, Dad, I know. See you Friday." Miles mumbled. As Miles closed the door, the same girl walked past Miles, causing the two of them to make eye contact for a few seconds.
She walked up the stairs and the majority of students there said or waved hello to her.

Miles was about to follow her, when Jefferson turned on the police sirens, capturing everyone's attention, especially Miles and the girl's, as they turned around.

"You gotta say I love you back." Jefferson said in the police microphone. All the students, including the girl, stared at Miles.

"Dad, are you serious?!" Miles whined, knowing very well that she was right there. "I wanna hear you say it." "You wanna hear me say it? You're dropping me off at a school." "I wanna hear you say 'Dad, I love you.'" "Look at this place!"

She chuckled and continued to walk to the door. Miles gave up. He sighed and he let out "Dad, I love you." "That's a copy." Jefferson proudly smiled. He drove away.

Miles sighed as many people snickered at him. He turned around and made eye contact with the mystery girl again, before a girl came to talk to her and the two girls went inside. He sighed in embarrassment.

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