Chapter 7: Puberty

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It was 6:30 am. Miles warily got off his bed, with barely any energy in him.

He did his usual morning routine, which included lots of soap and lots of hair products.

After all of that, he went to put on his pants, which was shorter than it was the day before. He looked down at his pants, 'That's weird. My pants shrank!'

Miles gasped. "I think I hit puberty!" He accidentally said out loud, startling his roommate. Miles and his roommate shared an awkward glance and then the roommate turned back to his computer. Miles groaned and looked up at the ceiling in shame, 'I should've kept that to myself...'

Walking down the hallway, Miles fixed his red Jordans, 'I gotta get new pants!' Miles paused and thought, 'Wait, why is the voice inside my head so loud?'.

He looked around the hallway while walking backwards. He then stopped when he bumped into someone.

He turned around to see who it was to apologise, but when he saw who it was, his eyes widened.

It was once again, the mysterious pretty girl.

"Oh- it's you! You okay?" she asked Miles who was still frozen. "What?" Miles mumbled as he wiped the heavy amount of sweat off his face, which kept reappearing for some reason.

'Why am I so sweaty?', he said inside his head. She looked at Miles up and down and furrowed her eyebrows, "Why are you so sweaty?"

Miles knew he had to come up with a response. One that could impress her. Quick.

"I-it's a puberty thing." Miles quickly said, making it sound like a cool thing. The dark-skinned girl blinked her eyes in shock, completely speechless.

Miles stopped smiling and his eyes widened when he finally processed what came out of his mouth. "I-I don't know why I said that! I'm not going through puberty." He nervously denied, still sweating.

She furrowed her eyebrows at him, slightly smiling at how nervous he was getting. "I did, but I'm done. I'm a man." Miles bragged, deepening his voice.

The girl laughed at Miles' nervousness. "It's okay, don't sweat it! Literally." she laughed even louder.

She couldn't even remember the last time she laughed that loud. It felt good.

"I have tissues in my bag, hold on," She mumbled as she dug through her bag. Her long hair fell in her face and by her shoulders, hiding her face.

"You know, we really need to stop bumping into each other like this, Morales." She chuckled, saying Miles' last name in a beautiful Spanish accent, making Miles even more nervous.

She finally took out some tissues for Miles to use and neatened her hair. "Maybe it's fate!" Miles told her as he took the tissue from her with his shaky hand.

"I like your accent," Miles tried to compliment her without shaking like a damn leaf.

She smiled softly, "Oh, thanks! I'm half Colombian on my mom's side!"

He looked back at the girl who was already looking at him with the most beautiful smile Miles had ever seen on her face. His mind went completely blank.

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