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Jasper felt a mixture of emotions as his gold eyes scanned over Willow's and Koda's sleeping form in the dark room

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Jasper felt a mixture of emotions as his gold eyes scanned over Willow's and Koda's sleeping form in the dark room. It was the first time she had fallen asleep in almost three days and Jasper was almost afraid to leave her. Honestly he had no idea how to help her, how to keep her calm, or how to put her mind at ease.

After another long look Jasper quietly moved to exit the room with his combat boots barely making any noise. Gently he shut the door, with his golden eyes scanning over the cursive yellow paint on the door.

With a sigh he quickly moved down the stairs, his hands moved into his long hair, pulling it all back into a bun, tying it together with one Willows ponytail holder.

"She's asleep. They both are." Jasper answered the questioning look that Charlie sent from his spot in the recliner. The older man looked exhausted, going from work to home where his niece was filled with a level of anxiety that had her paranoid.

"This ones asleep too." Charlie whispered as he gestured his hand towards Paul's sleeping form on the couch. "He fell asleep the moment she did, like they're connected." Jasper gave a soft smile at how right Charlie was without knowing the full extent of everything.

"I'll be back in a few hours." Jasper stated in a whisper as he grabbed his leather jacket off of the back of the couch. "Hopefully I'll be back before she wakes up."

"I hope she sleeps for a week straight." Charlie muttered with sincerity as he rose from the recliner to stretch his limbs. "She'll get through this. He's not coming here, he would be a fool to."

Jasper nodded in somewhat of an agreement but in his head he knew that Noah was a fool. Until Jasper knew that Willow was no danger he couldn't afford to not worry about him.

"I'll see you later Charlie." Jasper nodded as headed for the door, his hand digging through his jacket pocket for his bike keys.

"What the hell do you mean? You can't see him at all?" Jasper questioned Alice with his brow crinkled in confusion. The entire family, with the exception of Edward, was gathered in the living room, each one scattered throughout doing various things.

"I've never been able to see him clearly, Jazz." Alice lifted her eyes from her wedding planner with kind eyes. "All the visions I have of him are twisted. I'm seeing what he wants me to see. I can't trust my visions with him."

"We should have killed him when I mentioned it." Cassie stated while her head rested in Alice's lap, her eyes focused on the red fingernail polish she was applying.

"How is Willow?" Carlisle asked with a concerned tone and Jasper knew why. Carlisle saved Willow the day Noah sent her to the hospital, he treated all of her injuries, and he was the one who referred her to counseling.

"She's scared." Jasper let the statement fall out bluntly, his hand buried deep into his jacket pockets.

"Do you blame her?" Rosalie piped up tossing her antique car magazine onto the coffee table, leaning further back into Emmett's chest. "Her abuser is free and no one can find him. She's going to imagine that he's everywhere, even in her dreams. "

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