Chapter 20

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"I swear I am never drinking again

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"I swear I am never drinking again." Willow grumbled as she stumbled into the Cullens kitchen. She was surprised to see that the house looked completely normal, as if there hadn't been a raging Halloween party the night before.

"You say that every time." Emmett teased, his attention focused on the skillet as he fried an egg.

"That smells horrible." Willow gagged, her hand covering her mouth. A laugh sounded behind her and Willow turned to see Cassie.

"You are so hungover." Cassie joked as she walked past the redhead to reach in the cabinet. "You need tylenol, coffee, and food."

"The only cure for a hangover is time." Carlisle stated as he walked past the kitchen with Esme on his arm. Willow smiled as she sat herself down on a barstool and watched the family interact.

"This will help jump start the process." Cassie countered as she placed two red pills and a bottle of water in front of the red head.

"It's starting to snow." Esme stated as she moved closer to the window. Willow took the tylenol and moved to throw her long red hair into a messy bun on top of her head.

"It won't stick yet." Alice smiled as she skipped down the stairs. Cassie sat the cup of coffee down in front of Willow before she embraced her wife. Willow took a sip of her coffee and looked around the room, finally registering that Jasper and Koda were nowhere to be seen.

Willow held the steaming cup of coffee in her hand as she climbed off of the stool and moved to the huge glass windows in the living room. Her eyes scanned the ground below where she saw her fiance, Ezekiel, and Seth walking across the yard. All three were in deep conversation and Ezekiel was carrying a few items in his arms.

"Somethings wrong." Willow muttered as she watched them approach. Cassie placed her glove covered hand on Willow's arm causing her to turn towards Cassie with wide eyes.

"Come on. You need some food." Cassie stated, nodding her head back to the kitchen. Slowly Willow stepped back into the kitchen and sat back on her stool, Emmett placed the plate of eggs and toast in front of her.

Willow ate in the silence and listened to the others around her. Rosalie came down the stairs dressed in a black long sleeve jumpsuit, the wide cute legs showing her heels. Her blond hair was styled in large curls, her make done beautifully.

"You guys ready?" She called as she moved to grab her jacket.

"Yup!" Alice exclaimed as she jumped to grab Cassie's and Esme's hands.

"Where are you guys going?" Willow questioned as she placed her empty plate in the sink.

"To pick out your wedding dress." Alice squealed in excitement earning a chuckle of confusion from Willow.

"Shouldn't I be there?" Willow asked, taking another sip of her coffee. Alice bonded on her tiptoes and cupped the redheads cheeks, giving Willow's nose a small kiss.

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