Chapter 18

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"This is amazing

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"This is amazing." Willow let out a tired and amazed sigh as she stepped out onto the balcony of the Act Theatre in Seattle. The music from the orchestra sounding in the distance. "I have always wanted to go to a masquerade ball."

"I know." Jasper smirked beside her, his hands working on the back of his head to untie his gold mask. His blonde hair was neatly slipped back, his black tux clung tight to his form, and his gold bow tie made his eyes stand out.

"How did you know?" Willow glanced at him questioningly through her mask, her fingers gripping the railing of the balcony loosely.

"I may have found this."Jasper held up a loose piece of paper that held Willows scribbled writing. "It fell out of your journal, I wasn't snooping." He continued as he gagged her reaction.

"My bucket list." Willow whispered, her hazel eyes flickered between the paper and her boyfriend. Jasper smiled as he put the piece of paper back into his tux, his arms reaching out to the back of her head, long fingers working on the stings of her gold mask.

"A list of all the things you want to do while you're still human."Jasper spoke softly as he pulled the mask off, setting it at their feet with his. "Why didn't you tell me?" His hand cupped her cheek, his thumb rubbing across her jaw line.

"I didn't want you to think that I was regretting my decision." Willow whispered and leaned into his touch. The blonde vampire chuckled softly and pressed his lips against her forehead, his other hand moved to her hip, pulling her closer.

"It's okay if you start feeling some regrets." Jasper answered with a sweet grin. "This list is pretty interesting."

"You don't think it's strange?" Willow asked with her forehead scrunched together in confusion.

"My love, I find it enduring." The blonde kissed the side of her lips, her fingers gripped his jacket and pulled him closer.

"You're just saying that." Willow mumbled as Jasper wrapped his arms completely around her waist. Jasper gave her his famous half smirk and leaned down to give the other side of her mouth to give another soft kiss.

"Maybe so,"Jasper mumbled. "but I do love you." He pressed his lips against hers. It was a soft and rather sweet kiss filled nothing but tender love. Jasper pulled back first with a smile and moved his hand to her hair.

"Have you read that entire list?" Willow sounded worried, her mind racing through all fifty things she has written on the paper, hoping if he did read it that he wouldn't judge her on it.

"Yes." His smug tone made her cheeks turn bright red. She quickly tried to hide her embarrassment in the crock of his neck. "Even the part about a December wedding." Her entire body stiffened and it felt like her heart stopped. Her level of embarrassment had soared through the roof and she couldn't pull herself away.

"That was just- I was just- we aren't even."Willow stuttered into his neck, refusing to look up at him, refusing to look up at him for fear of the look on his face. "Just ignore that one."

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